Help me with my diy carbon filter design.


New Member
Originally posted over in the DIY section, but figured it might do better here.

Hey guys, noob here. Excited cause I will be starting my first grow soon! (Turning a minifridge into a growbox)

Anyway, being cheap I somewhat came up with my own idea for a simple small carbon filter, mainly inspired by This Thread.

So here's my plan:

I will start with this mesh pencil cup, it's 4.2 inches around and about 5" tall.
View attachment 3027922
Next i will take a standard carbon pre filter, like this one:
View attachment 3027924
Cut it to size, and wrap it around the cup, securing it with zip ties and duct tape.

Lastly I will stick my 4 inch inline fan into it (100cfm). My hope is that because it is somewhat conical the fan should fit into it nicely.

Excluding the cost of a fan, this could be the cheapest filter I've ever seen, with a total cost of under 10$.

How does it look to you guys? I guess my main questions are:
1. How many times should i wrap the carbon filter strip around it?
2. Will a 100cfm fan be able to push enough air through it to accommodate a passive intake? (My fridge is a decent size, I'd guess to be around 3-4 sq feet)


Well-Known Member
"A mini fridge....".

How many plants do you hope to grow in a miniature fridge?

Unless we have different ideas about the size of a mini-fridge....
The one I am thinking of is only big enough for a few cans and a microwave meal.


Well-Known Member
I found that the prefilters need a lot of surface area to work well. They also lose their odor blocking ability pretty quick like 2 months.

I made one for my veg room a while back that worked really well for about 2 months then was worthless. If I had it to do over again I would just buy a small cheap carbon filter off ebay for like $40. I think Carbon filters are one of the things that should not be DIY. Unless you are in a legal state or in a situation where it isn't a big deal if it fails.

Anyway, here is the one I made also with a 100cfm fan. Total cost was about $18 not including the fan, it is triple wrapped in the prefilter material and has good surface area. Took about 10 minutes to make it.


New Member
LOL "Make a thread"..... ive wanted to do that for days !!!! not that simple on ANY site ive tried and tried theirs no "Make a Thread" button anywhere (do i need to be a paid premium member???)


Well-Known Member
LOL "Make a thread"..... ive wanted to do that for days !!!! not that simple on ANY site ive tried and tried theirs no "Make a Thread" button anywhere (do i need to be a paid premium member???)
No, you can start a thread. you need to click on the forum area you want to post in and you should see the green button with the + sign on it for new thread.


