Help me with my harvest


Active Member
Hi, I cut down a small silver haze plant today.

I am getting opposing views on cutting before drying.

Some things I've read say to cut the big fan leaves now, leave the small ones until they're dry then manicure. Others say manicure completely now. A third opinion said to leave it all there until ready to cure before I manicure.

Which way is correct?

Thanks, my grow journal link is below for picks.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I cut down a small silver haze plant today.

I am getting opposing views on cutting before drying.

Some things I've read say to cut the big fan leaves now, leave the small ones until they're dry then manicure. Others say manicure completely now. A third opinion said to leave it all there until ready to cure before I manicure.

Which way is correct?

Thanks, my grow journal link is below for picks.
read through these


Active Member
I have read those but still get conflicting opinions.

The "What is the best way to dry and cure for smooth sweet buds" article says to hang the entire thing upside down. Others have told me to remove the fans leaves.

Shall I assume the article is the law?


Well-Known Member
I think that you should do it the way u want too. your 1st harvest is a special thing anyway and results will be pleasing. I opt to cut the fan leaves off and do the trimming right after i chop the plant then hand the buds in a cardboard box like on the green man videos, about a week hanging in the box and then into slealing jars where i open the jar everyday for about 15-25 mins for a few weeks, then as the buds age in the jars they just get better and better. i do it this way because i dont like smoking any of the fan leaves, large or small, leave those for hash.
hope that helps, cheers have a great harvest