help me with my stealth grow


Well-Known Member
so im deciding 2 grow an auto flower strain since they seem the most convenient 4 a stealth grow (relativly short with a quick life cycle) im leaning towards the snowryder strain.

anyways ive procured a tub (actually its basically a mini garbage can) 22 inches tall with a diameter of roughly 15 inches (obviously its round) it also has a lid that adds a few more inches of height in the middle
after cleaning it i plan on lineing the inside with either mylar or polywrap.

ill be using cfls but my main concern is hanging the lights. ive never built a grow box before so im just wondering if i should just drill a hole through the lid and hang them from above that way but im not really sure how i should go about doing this.

any experts with stealth boxes out there??? i honestly have no idea how 2 go about building this


Well-Known Member
a diameter of 15 inches is small m8, the plant will be wider than that when on the go, the height aint much beter either. Nothing bigger around you can use?


Well-Known Member
a diameter of 15 inches is small m8, the plant will be wider than that when on the go, the height aint much beter either. Nothing bigger around you can use?
i know its tight id get a bigger box but there aint much point of a stealth grow if the box cant fit under your furniture.

but if you check out the snowryder strain they rarely grow any larger than 15 inches and its not much of a brancher plus i plan on blasting them with at least 250w


Well-Known Member
Ya seems a little small but do u have any pictures?
ya i know its a tight fit but i cant work with anything bigger. nd thats why i picked an autoflower strain that tends to stay very short.

no pics now nd the lighting in my house sucks imma w8 till mornin
Ya an auto-flower seems supurb for ur setup. Ive never personally popped a auto before so im interested in seein how ur grow goes. keep us updated!


Well-Known Member
alrite shit is starting 2 come together. i got freind 2 give me a loan of 100$

60 is goin towards the beans

40 is goin 2 lights

nd imma spend bout 20$ fer some FF ocean forest
also i found an empty pot in the gutter in front of my house nd it turns out its the perfect size so i just need 4 more 7 inch 2.5 quart pots

so ya im not much of an electrician so im still not sure how to hang the lights. what kind of fixtures should i be looking out for???

lastly i hear alot about how sensitive autoflowers are nd since ocean forest is really hot soil i think ill just use some blackstrap molassis for nutes nd not introduce it till like week 3 or 4