HELP! Mold eating through my stems all over!


Active Member
Heynow everybody at RIU. I recently noticed that these old mother plants I stuck outback were looking really unhealthy. On closer inspection I noticed that there were small branches, all over, dying out. If you look at one of the dying branches, it looks perfectly healthy right where it comes off the main stem. But then, a couple inches up, it turns brown and everything from there up dies out. On the spots of the stem that look the worst, there is some grey powder looking stuff on it.

These girls have some beautiful buds coming in. But I think they are only about three weeks in. Is there any way I can stop this shit? Or are my plants fucked and I should just cut em?

And what exactly is this shit? I thought stem rot only grows at the base of the stem, right by the dirt.

Whats the cure?
Any help is much appreciated

It wont let me upload my photos, Ill try again in a min


Well-Known Member
its dying out..looks like multiple things went wrong..kinda hard to pin point it cuz (no offense) but those plants dont look happy at all..its not even time to start planting teens outside and ur already flowering em..??


Active Member
Anything on these plants that isn't dying is happy and healthy and budding up nice. They grow everyday and drink alot of water. Please tell me what the multiple things wrong are.

These are mother plants my friend kept for a long time. Then he had to move and gave em to me. I stuck em right out back,( I'm in the north bay area). Then as soon as the weather got nice they started to grow buds. Now they are a few weeks in, the buds look great, and if the weather gets nice I could get a nice yield. If I can control this fungi shit.

I think the reason they got sick, is cause when I got them I chopped em almost in half, then stuck them out back where they sat in the rain for weeks. I chopped em in half because I wanted to take clones and also cut em down to size somewhat. I think the fresh wounds and the rain didn't mix well.

And what is this shit eating my stems and how do I kill it?


Well-Known Member
its reverting back to VEG #1..#2 u probably got but rot from the rain and high humidity..#3 the temp is to cold, thats y the leaves are purple #4 the humidity outside is to high for a flowering plant


Rebel From The North
its reverting back to VEG #1..#2 u probably got but rot from the rain and high humidity..#3 the temp is to cold, thats y the leaves are purple #4 the humidity outside is to high for a flowering plant
I got to agree all #4 point that have been pointed out are valid, and it looks like they have gone to far down hill, maybe time to
start a new mother!


Active Member
I'm not keeping these for mother plants, they are gonna bud and die.

1. Its not reverting back to veg. What makes you say that? I know what a plant looks like when it starts going back into veg mode. These plants are still in full flower mode, new hairs and buds are gettin fatter. and I plan to start giving them light depravation in a couple days.

2. I know very very well what bud rot looks and smells like. Please believe there is no bud rot anywhere on any of these plants.

3.&4. I know that the temp and humidity ain't premo. But the cold temps just slow things down a little bit, right. And the high humidity hasn't caused any bud rot yet. There is nothing I can do about the weather, but it should start being nice and warm and dry anyday now. And I know when that day comes these buds will explode

Thanks for your replies

I still need advice on what to do. Anyone that knows how to kill this shit or stop it Please help.


Well-Known Member
I'm not keeping these for mother plants, they are gonna bud and die.

1. Its not reverting back to veg. What makes you say that? I know what a plant looks like when it starts going back into veg mode. These plants are still in full flower mode, new hairs and buds are gettin fatter. and I plan to start giving them light depravation in a couple days.

2. I know very very well what bud rot looks and smells like. Please believe there is no bud rot anywhere on any of these plants.

3.&4. I know that the temp and humidity ain't premo. But the cold temps just slow things down a little bit, right. And the high humidity hasn't caused any bud rot yet. There is nothing I can do about the weather, but it should start being nice and warm and dry anyday now. And I know when that day comes these buds will explode

Thanks for your replies

I still need advice on what to do. Anyone that knows how to kill this shit or stop it Please help.
REALLY? (like that cell phone commercial) try what that dude said^^^ and chop off the infected parts..o yea and pray


Active Member
I'm prayin someone chimes in and says they know what it is and how to kill it for sure. Ill chop all infected branches in the morning and take some pics of the nice little nugs growin and everything i had to chop.


Rebel From The North
those spot are a form of rot! not saying mold and your not going to save anything up from that I dont think. but
leaving it on there isnt going to change anything other than you geting some exp on this issue and a better
understanding what to watch for in the future! high hum/low temp isnt good hense the purple leaves and viens.
I looked real close at that stem and it looks like it shrinking/ chokeing off the upper part, ive seen this in seedling
but not in larger plants. cant remember the name but it is a disease and if seedling get it its toast. wish i could
help more :)


Active Member
Hellrazors right the mold/rot is chokeing out everything growing above it. I think when a seedling gets it, its called damping off. I'm pretty sure this is something different. But I dont think this fits the description of stem rot either. That is why I started this thread.

Anyone know the name of this mold/rot or a cure? I'm thinking I"m going to try a baking soda solution if no one can give me a better idea/


Rebel From The North
that looks to much like damping off and ive done some reading and that damping off dont just happen to seedling.
I dont think direct contact of h202 to a plants surface would be good. alcohol is going to burn it and baking soda
is a base whats that going to do.


Active Member
I know baking soda kills Powdery Mildew for sure and helps prevent it. This shit growing on the stem kinda looks like PM, but i"m pretty sure PM wouldn't eat through a stem like that. I think I've heard of some people on here talk about some SM90 or something that you feed your plants and it kills all funge from the inside out. That would be perfect. anyone know what that shit is?


Active Member
Ok the main point guy is you are asking for help then dismissing the help before you even really consider the VERY good advice. I went from a cocky little shit who thought his grows ruled but when I stopped being stupid and ignorant I listened to the people on this site mainly. I waded through the crap and now I am a grower that KNOWS his stuff is kickass but is not too arogant to know that its not the best and I CAN do better.

Chop it, its insane to grow outside at this time. Im in the cali area and wouldnt put out a plant for anything for another month and a half. No offence but listen to the help that you asked for. Mold is because of humidity, winter, our wet spring and shit is adding to the issue.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, dude. But if you think that its good advice to chop down these big sexy girls that are almost half way through flowering your insane. I will save these girls and get a nice harvest...wait and see. I've been wading through the crap on this site a long time. And I know I suck at growing. And what the hells the cali area. Spring in the North Bay is like mid summer where I'm from.

I know there is a cure or atleast a way to stop it. Anyone Please