HELP! my clones are yellowing....


Well-Known Member
k so i have 6 white widdow clones and its been 13 days since i took them, there are no roots showing through the rockwool yet. they have been healthy besides a little browning at the tip of the leaves untill today. i opened it and noticed that quite a few leaves are turning yellow... what is causing this? what should i do? will they make it?


Well-Known Member
no not at all... i have been spraying them (and the dome) with just water 1 time a day and they are on a heat pad... any other idea? can you put too much rooting gel on them when you put them in the rockwool?


Well-Known Member
if its 13 days then you hope that thoes yellowing leaves are the ones that gave all their engery to start root.


Well-Known Member
is it all of the leafs or just the nodes near the bottom?? cause when i clone sometimes the bottom node fan leaf will turn all yellow and fall off, the next few days after i have a boomin root system.. but i use rapid rooters.. rockwool takes hella too long for me. i like having clones rooted in like 7 days


Well-Known Member
you'll get it buddy... no worries... clones are tough lil fuckers unless youre just doin everything wrong haha.. (i know some kids that cant clone poor kids)

but ya man, i figure the rockwool is hard for them to grow through, is it staying moist enough??


Well-Known Member
im tryin to think what i can say to help... teaching methods through text is harder than i thought...

when i cut and put into my dome i spray the actual clone 2 times a day for the first week, after that i spray the rapid rooter 3 times a day to make sure its always damp moist at the top, i open my vents on my dome to make it about 90-85% humidity.. i spray the dome and rooters more during this period, plants only bout once a day.. most clones i cut root 5-8 days.. then i have one of my vents open more with more rooted clones over on that side to "harden off" so to speak... i dunno, im just successful with clones, could be your strain.. never know.

different strokes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
Have a little water on the bottom of the tray.
Also make sure that you have not compressed the stems against the rockwool...this will rot them...leave them very loose.
The heat pad should cause enough humidity to keep your top moist enough without spraying.
looks like there not getting enough moisture...mine root and never yellow.


Well-Known Member
heat mats work wonders, i went from having to spray my clones 4-6 times a day to spraying the dome 3 times and it stays a thick coat of condensation :D


Well-Known Member
i never let the rockwool get all the way dry. just moist. k hope they finish soon. im getting so eager to put them in the system. as far as i can tell i have done everything right... i didnt use any nutes besides olivias gel so idk if thats something to do with it... can rapid rooters go in hydro systems?


Well-Known Member
i never let the rockwool get all the way dry. just moist. k hope they finish soon. im getting so eager to put them in the system. as far as i can tell i have done everything right... i didnt use any nutes besides olivias gel so idk if thats something to do with it... can rapid rooters go in hydro systems?

yes, rapid rooters in hydroton in a mesh pot.