HELP! my clones leaves are drying out!!!


Well-Known Member
i took clones off my white widdow mother, took 18 days for roots to grow through the rockwool, i now have them in a drip tote system with a 400w mh above them. i have a fan on them at all times so they wont get too hot. since i put them in the system the leaves have started to dry out from the tip in, one of the clones has lost almost all its leaves, theres 2 left, one is loosing more and more of each leaf every time i see it and one is doing well still.

what is causing this? did i take them out of the humidity dome too soon? should they still have something over them for humidity after i put them in the system? and if so how long do they have to be kept humid befor i can just leave them alone in it?

oh yea, the roots on all 3 are the same, about 3 inches out of the bottom of the net pots and there are like 4 or 5 on each one... all look very healthy.


Well-Known Member
i have it 3 feet away from them, but ill back it off as much as i can. should i just keep it as far away as i can untill they get a little bigger and can take it?


Well-Known Member
ya sounds good, because clones cant handle intense light. Maybe try to put them under florescents.


Well-Known Member
i dont have any more space... k well ill have to figure something out, ill find a screan or something. thanks.


New Member
Have the fan hitting the light,instead of the clones.Maybe its you ph or nutes.Or just old dead leaves,if theres new green growth,you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
one of them the new growth all dried up... that one done for? still good roots... lol only 2 leaves left... i think im pulling that one... lol i fuckin burned my mother... im not used to hids and it was just a tad too close to my mom (i put her on a 5 gallon bucket to raise her up) and she was compleatly wiltid this morning when i woke up. i took her all the way down and she has almost recovered, a few dried leaves but only one dried branch top.


Well-Known Member
put clear cups over them to cut down on how much strait light theyre getting and its helped. one is really good, one is ok for now and that other one is... well might as well be dead. i took 2 more clones 4 days ago and put them in jiffy pellets instead of rockwool, mostly to compair and because i thought i took the others a little too small... but its worked out good. i wanted 4 clones, took 6 only 3 made it and ones dying but the other 2 i have will fill in... so i have 4, YAY!


Well-Known Member
one of them the new growth all dried up... that one done for? still good roots... lol only 2 leaves left... i think im pulling that one... lol i fuckin burned my mother... im not used to hids and it was just a tad too close to my mom (i put her on a 5 gallon bucket to raise her up) and she was compleatly wiltid this morning when i woke up. i took her all the way down and she has almost recovered, a few dried leaves but only one dried branch top.
yo i got 2 of these now i bad mouth mh cost to much to run dump it and replace it with this 118 and ship this light is great


Well-Known Member
Temps high and humidity low will dry them out quick lots of air movement dosen't always lower temps in confined space need to pull the heat away from the light also have a exaust fan blow fresh air in the room if possible curling from the tip in sound like it was the one catching the biggest breeze...least ya got 4 I always lose some too..remember if your not getting cool fresh air in room your just blowing the heat around :( temps are the biggest obstacle using hps or mh in confined areas I don't like my temps over 81 f or my humidity below 40 :)


Well-Known Member
i put cups over them to increas humidity and block the fan. i spray them every once in a while but they have really shown improvement. thanks alot. i think the one with the 2 leaves left (the basically dead one) is starting to grow new branches from the old areas, i see little leafs anyway... so maybe it will work... i keep the door open as much as i can. usualy all day when im here or gone, but its right next to my bed... i plan on moving and having more space soon but till then i think maybe i should just veg these out with my cfls or maybe i can keep them like this untill i see durastic improvement, and theyre healthy enough to be under the light. ill bost a pic of my setup but its hard to get one of the plants. ill try to find a camera and take some. all i have is the web cam on my laptop.

the fan in that one is now up on the wall under the light blowing at it all the time. i have a table top fan that oscelates down on the corner were the old one was now. also the other 2 clones are not pictured, there still in theyre domes. ill post a pic of one. this idea for a dome works great tho!

one more question... can you put peat pellets in hydro systems like the one pictured? wont they get the water all dirty?



Well-Known Member
heres some pics of the dome and clone in it. i have 4 of these little pod like things, ill never use anything else as a humidity dome, these are really great.

i put duct tape on top (bottom) of the container to cut down on the amount of light getting to the clones.

