HELP!!!! My Weed Plants stop growing, then they die

Hi everybody. Im trying to grow my weed plants in my closet, but like after a month, their growth is stunted and then they just die, can someone help me please. I really want my plants to grow healthy and strong so I can smoke them


Well-Known Member
need more info than that what set up you got what nutes are you useing what soil or hydro you useing


Active Member
hey weedman, I have questions for you.

What is your lighting?

What is your growing medium?

If possible, do you know what your strain is? or which is dominant?

Are you providing nutrients?

What is your temperature and relative humidity?

Have you seen signs of fungus, disease, or pests?


Well-Known Member
mj is a hard plant to kill. my guess is you are over feeding or under watering. when you say the plants die, how do they die? what do they look like? are they yellow, wilted etc?


Well-Known Member
Yea lol we definitely need more information. What your root zone lookin like. Are you watering enough. Are. You doing anything "new?" or out of your knowledge area?
I had mixed my nutirence with Miracle Grow Organic soil, but right now there is no nutrience, Im just going basic with the Miracle Grow Organic Soil. Now my grow light is a Plant light from Walmart. But my light is not the problem. Now sometimes I think that i dont have enough air circulating. Here is a pic of my grow closetphoto (3).JPG
My plants have been uprooted to just the miracle grow, now nutrience cause I dont know how to properly mix nutrience for weed plants yet


Well-Known Member
i dont think its nothing to do with the air circulating but a small fan can sort that out.are you checking your ph and not overwatering its pretty simple stage the trick is to keep the lights as close as you can and just feed with ph'd water for now intill they get abit bigger

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
looks like you need to mix in some perlite with that, i had about 20 seedlings that didnt grow this spring because i forgot to ammend my soil (mg organic)...they popped like yours did but must not have had enough air in the roots.

usually ill mix up the soil, some perlite, some lime, and meaybe some peatmoss. it makes for a better grow medium


Active Member
Your plant light from walmart doesn't happen to be one of those blue colored glass incandescent bulbs is it? They are junk. As for the nutes, don't use any for at the very least, 2 weeks. The round leaves(cotelydons) will provide, plus the MG soil has nutes in it. You could probably go even longer before needing to amend with nutes. When you do use nutes, use at 1/4 manufacturers recommended dose, bringing it up slowly over time. Watch how your plants react and if they show signs of nute burn, you know the limit at which the Plant can be fed. Feed only every 3'rd watering.


Active Member
Those flouro tubes they sell at walmart for $10 as plant lights have no info about the bulb, read up on the CFl threadand find out the right kind of bulb and spectrum your suspose to be looking for. walmat sells GE 2pk 26watt 6500k bulbs for $5. get those, some Y splitters and a plug adapter and a extention cord in all it cost about $12 dollars but totally worth it. There is no plant that should look like that at 3 week old indoors. Your lights need to be at least 1-2 inches away from plant tops! Read the CFl thread! Also about yor nute problem you have to go into detail, what kind of nutes are you mixing in the soil and i hope your only watering once a week if that cause those little guys DONOT need more than that in the size pot. I really suggest you do your research before you start wasting seeds,time and money. Sorry that this is my first post i never intended to ever post here just read, watch and learn but this just too sad to see.


Active Member
ok so we have established that your light is not the IMMEDIATE problem. Further down the line it will be without a doubt. You definitely need to work on your soil. You need to cut it with perlite at the very least. I'm a hydro guy so others can surely help you more than me. Miracle grow has been known to have too much nutes for seedlings so that is a possibility. I would say you need to water less and a little more air flow


Well-Known Member
too much water your drowning the poor things lol, top 4 inches of soil should be dry b4 feeding more water and dont go mad on nutrients


Well-Known Member
as for soil use a crop bag best for veggies n fruit n herbs as it helps the plants breath better, should have wood, sand or gravel in soil tbh crop bags have wood


loks like that soil needs some perlite for better drainage and put a fan on it so it can strenghten the stalk and the light can be the problem if it's not at the right height keep with the info and we'll figure it out and help you.