HELP!! need advice on dwc setup!!!


Active Member
Hi i've been a hempy sog grower for a while now..probably done 3-4 grows...I want to try DWC as I have seen the results, and would like to try my had at hydroponics to see if i can get better results...these are the two systems i'm thinking about...

I run a digital 400w hps/mh cool tube..have all ventilation a 4x4x3 i just need the actual growing system..
-if i went with this system i'd buy 2 of them

I know I could probably build my own cheaper..but as i'm new to the dwc system i'd rather just buy it complete(and expand on it if required)...I think i'm going to be somewhat limited on space the 4 site rainmaker might be converted to a 2 bucket here are my questions..any help would be greatly appreciated..

-has anyone used either of these systems? feedback?
-which system would be easier to maintain?
-is it easier to run a resevoir or individual buckets? as I think i can only manage enough space for 2 buckets..
-I'm assuming I should have back up pumps at home ready to go in case of recomendations on pumps?
-best nutes? which i know is subjective and a hot how about best/easiest nutes for a newbie to hydro to use...
-any other feedback, ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated...


Active Member
Question #1 No not exactaly either one but very similar.
Question #2 Growing only two plants, the GH Farm.
Question #3 Small setup (2 plants) individual buckets.Plants nutes needs are different.
Question #4 Air pump, should not need a backup but bigger is better and the one that comes with that setup is small. You can always slow down a big one.
Question #5 Google Luckes formula.

Suggestions are as follows Read up on a DIY system similar to the hydro farm, buy parts, save some money and build your own bigger and better system for less money from the start.

All is needed is:

one air pump for both buckets, air hose andstones.
2 Net baskets, 2 buckets and hydroton
And build two of these.



Well-Known Member
Dude, 5gal bucket, lid, air pump and stone can be had for about $25-30 for 2 units. It takes about 10 minutes to make 2.


Active Member
hey guys...sorry for the delay..its been a hectic day or two...just a quick reply..thanks for the vid curiosity...i havent had a chance to watch it yet..but will tonight and get back to yall...thanks again


Active Member
Hey element1420

Man DWC is awesome!

I'd defo go for the two single systems its much easier to deal with problems if they are contained to 1 of your DWC systems rather than being spread around the entire system. Been doing DWC a while and it totally rocks!

So, heres a few answers to your questions and a few things I've learnt along the way - dont get me wrong, I'm no pro but think I can safely say not a newcomer now either!;

Your questions:

1. go for 2 separate buckets, if you are running different strains and one likes heavier levels of nutes you cant do that without frying the rest of your ladies if its 1 shared res.

2. Still using the original pumps I got with the 2 buckets I have and no issues as yet (fingers crossed, they are around 1.5 years old now too and used constantly)

3. Nutes - I use the Advanced Nutrients Sensi grow, Sensi bloom, big bud, carbo load and Canna nutrients PK13/14 - never had an issue with my res being dirty etc but after burning the crap outta a few ladies I never go above 50% label strength and start at 25% gradually increasing

Stuff I've learned along the way:

1. I used to get BIG ph changes all the time until I started to mix my nutes 2 days before then check n re-adjust over the 2 days - seems to only drift a little now due to nutrients being used and even then its not by much (just stir the soup one each day to keep it mixed until it goes in your bucket)

2. Keep a spare bucket of plain ph adjusted water handy at all times, if you see signs of burn just empty a litre or so out and top it up with plain water - simples!

3. Make sure you have a spare bucket handy to place to lid with your plant on and stop the roots from being damaged or picking up crap from the floor while you change the res out. if you have large plants you may need a trustworthy hand to keep them from falling over while you change the res and sometimes its a bitch to get them out of the tent as you have to lift the whole thing over the zip at the bottom of the tent (this gets annoying and difficult if you let them grow too tall and you have to put them in and out the tent on an angle which can be disasterous if they have large, heavy buds on them)

4. you can plant seedlings straight into the system 1 day after they pop (ive done this every time with no problems, just make sure the water level id at the bottom of the netpot and there is 1-1.5 inches of clay pebbles in the pot before you add the seedling

5. buy some 5ml pipettes (droppers) for ph adjustment so you can slowly change ph, your ladies wont like big swings from over doing it. Also, in like week 6+ flowering the root mass will be huge and near the top of the water where you add them in so you dont want to hurt them with strong acid/alkaline ph adjusters - they dont seem to mind the droppers or small amounts at a time

6. check your ph a few times a day

7. you'll prob mix 5gal of soup but can only get about 4.5 in the system for it to be at the bottom of the netpot so during flower keep the spare stuff handy so you can top the water level up each day with the same strength nutes (if your using big bud or something with molasses or similar in it you'll need to stir it each day or it turns a little cloudy and I dont trust adding that - if this happens you always have that spare bucket of plain water remember ;-)

8. rinse your res out with the shower head each res change especially if your using clay pebbles, they leave grit in your res and some nutes will leave a salt like residue behind (not had this with the advanced nutrients stuff

9. if you are using clay pebbles rinse the hell out of them with the shower head a few times, they are really dusty and that crap really messes up your ph level, then rinse them again, just to be sure!! 10. change the res each week for fresh soup

11. check the water lever each day during flowering and top up you shouldnt really need to during veg unless you going past 4 weeks, in the last weeks of flowering your ladies are going to drink like crazy (one went through the entire res in about 3 days during last week!!)

Well thats about all I can think of for now but theres some awesome folk on here who can help you out, love this site!

Feel free to ask anything me anything you like, if I can help I will, gotta give the love back! Hope any of this can help even a little sir!

Obli out!


Active Member
Wow!!1 thats incredible..thank you sir...well i've decided to follow your guys's advice and will be diy'ing my own setup...I just sold my house and am moving far it's gonn be awhile before i can get up and going...however I'll keep everyone informed as things progress..again thanks obli..very helpful and informative