HELP! Need some opinions on soil PLEASE!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Im starting a new batch of Aurora Indica and not sure what kind of soil to use. Is there a such thing as planting it in a one stop shop, never having to re plant again? Ive got a 400 HPS as my source... BUT I NEED A LIL HELP ON CHOOSING THE RIGHT SOIL!

Thanks gang


Well-Known Member
does it matter what variety? is one better than the other?

And whats the best nutes to give it? Ive heard mixed reactions about miracle grow..


Well-Known Member
yeah you still need some basic nutes but not for quite awhile if you go ff start slow and work your way up some people claim they grow nute free but i think ya do better with'em


Well-Known Member
i use fox farms for everything they even got bug control stuff never any complaints grow big, big bloom and one other i forget i get all 3 in a package i think it runs about 75 bucks u.s.


Well-Known Member
Don't use Miracle Grow soil with the 3mo supply of food. I got some strange results with it. I took what I thought was a shortcut to some weed and I won't use it again. I started some White Widow and some BubbleGum in it, the widow takes it alright but is a little hot for the BG.

I am not going to grow in soil anymore, but if I were I would go back to using a sterile soilless mix and add all my own nutes.

There are many nutrient programs out there with two or three parts. Just remember to always use much less than the label suggests till you see the results. A good place to start might be 30%-40% to start.

Keep reading and learning and you will be TOKIN :leaf: soon.


Well-Known Member
Is there a such thing as planting it in a one stop shop, never having to re plant again?

If you have the room there is no killer reason why not. The main reason I could see would be watering issues caused by a tiny plant in a great big pot. I am not even sure that would be an issue.