Help needed asap

My nephew threw some seeds out of his bedroom window (stonded!) – just found out one of those babies started growing!!! Problem is it grew in between a crack in concrete. It’s about 2 ½ feet tall right now, just starting to bud, but the weather here is starting to turn cold. Probably too cold for this lovely lady to survive; only the stem is showing through the concrete – there is no way to get to the soil or root base. Any suggestions?
Would hate for this lady to perish! I recently finished an indoor grow room 2’*8*8 so this would be a great starter for me.
HELP – HELP – HELP………………. she smells like a “WINNER”…………………. HELP – HELP – HELP


Well-Known Member
Short of breaking up some of the concrete to get to her roots, I don't see how you could get her. Maybe try to cover her with one of those rose bush protectors, to help her survive until she finishes? If she's just started to bud you could try taking clones from her, see what happens. Good luck!:peace:


New Member
Exactly.... in the end the concrete will keep the roots warm and safe. The concrete will also radiate more heat to the plant. Cover it for the cold snaps and just check to make sure she is getting at least 5 hours of sun. Once the daytime temps drop below 50 ... the plant will shut down and stop growing.... but not die. You can do it... :wink:

Illegal Smile

Legions of growers here have problems keeping them alive with hundreds of dollars of fancy equipment, and this seeds grows up out of the freakin concrete. Is there a lesson in there?