Help Needed! Help


Active Member
I'm into my 6th week of flowering and everything looks ok, 2big bud afghani and 5 sirius skunk plants in hydro. I was given a nutrient timetable by the shop I brought my kit from which tells me when I put in what during the 8 weeks of my flowering, HOWEVER, I have missed putting my PK 13-14 (high pottassium) in at week 5 and have put in this week instead. Will this fuck up my crop or delay it for a week? If this has ever happened to anyone, please let me know. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about hydo....well hardly anything, but if you plants are still looking good and healthy then i wouldnt much at all, if it was me i would keep on going with what your doing, if you put the nuts in a week late i dont think i would effect the plants 2 much, maybe do everything and exta week later 2 keep in time with the delay...but like i sed im not an expert on hydro. i hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
ARe you supposed to add it one more time before harvest and will you change your res water at that time? The flowering time will follow the plants genetics, you will not interrupt it by forgetting to add extra nutes the plant didn't know it was supposed to get at week 5. And if you are going to cjange the res water at week 7 any unused additives will be gone and you are starting fresh. VV


Active Member
Thanks for that victorvicious, thats eased my mind. do you or any other hydroponicists know if I should go back on the nutes after the water if my buds dont look ready? was kinda hoping to flush it next week and then harvest if everything falls into place, is this naive? its my first grow but my kits great:
2x600w HPS and 200wEnvirolight for seedlings, bottled co2 dispenser (unis controller) and tubing right over plants, 250mm extraction fan with filter, 12 pod hydro system, ADF Mylar throughout.

I`ve got 5 sirius plants (1000g/m2, big yielders) and 2 Big Bud Afghani(375g/m2), and they're all flowering well. flowering time from seed catalogue states 8 weeks for big bud and 7 for sirius, but i'm slightly cautious of messing up the last stages of flowering if I don`t feed them when they need it most, cause them a nute difficiency which then ruins the last week or so of flowering and the whole crop.:?

Also if any experienced hydro growers can tell me how many Oz you think i can get here would be much appreciated.

smiles all round.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that victorvicious, thats eased my mind. do you or any other hydroponicists know if I should go back on the nutes after the water if my buds dont look ready? was kinda hoping to flush it next week and then harvest if everything falls into place, is this naive? its my first grow but my kits great:
2x600w HPS and 200wEnvirolight for seedlings, bottled co2 dispenser (unis controller) and tubing right over plants, 250mm extraction fan with filter, 12 pod hydro system, ADF Mylar throughout.

I`ve got 5 sirius plants (1000g/m2, big yielders) and 2 Big Bud Afghani(375g/m2), and they're all flowering well. flowering time from seed catalogue states 8 weeks for big bud and 7 for sirius, but i'm slightly cautious of messing up the last stages of flowering if I don`t feed them when they need it most, cause them a nute difficiency which then ruins the last week or so of flowering and the whole crop.:?

Also if any experienced hydro growers can tell me how many Oz you think i can get here would be much appreciated.

smiles all round.
Check your trics (crystals) are they standing straight up? Are they clear? If they have changed color to be more hazy that is a good sign if you are done. If they are yellow they have gone too long pull them.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Without any pictures and more information on your setup no one can tell you what you'll yeild. only skill and experience can yeild more.