help needed newbie growing white widow


Well-Known Member
hi im new to the site and have a few plants on the grow and well im in need of a little help on what is wrong one has started to droop a bit and one has yellow tips (im assumeing its to do with the lack of neuts) on the bottom leaves they are 21 days old so not too sure if there looking as they should but looking and doing reaserch they dont seem to be doing too bad

i have a 600 w lamp, using soil from a shop which seems ok have a ph/water tester and always try to keep fairly moist i have miracle grow neuts the ones you just sprinkle in the soil

i will put photos on v soon

i am growing white widow

any help would be fantastic and also whats the best neuts would be best to make them looking green and healthy

thanks a lot people


Active Member
yellowing tips is usually an overdose of nutes, not under...and really, i feed my plants until they juuuuust start to have yellowin on the tips, no more than a 3mm on the end of the blade, and step back just a hair to know its the perfect amount...drooping could be a number of things, heat stress, high humidity, etc...whats your temps in the room? how tall are the plants? if they seem to be prospering i wouldn't worry too much man

if its time-release nutrients, i would stop usin them asap because its really hard to judge the amount of food your plants are receiving and corrections are an even bigger pain in the ass to fix with it. miracle grow will work, plenty of people use it and grow with the best of them but its pretty low on the totem pole compared to what you find at hydro shops, yet be prepared to shell out some dough for the high brand stuff.

any additional info or pics you can post would def help though...keep it up though, alot of new growers dont make it that far along!


Well-Known Member
i thought it was lack of neuts.... cool well ill i will change my neuts to the one you can mix with water then. also the room temp is around 30/35 degrees. i also leave a fan on most of the time but not on the plants more to blow cool air around and i open the window to let a bit of fresh air in the plants are id say 4 inches tall out the soil, has its 3rd teir of leaves with the 4ths popping out a little (off the node if that is the correct term)

i have a couple which are perfectly fine, also i have repotted 2 of them and going to repot the others. am i doing the right thing?

thanks for the reply


Active Member
yeah sounds like you're pretty good to go...go ahead and put the fan on them, its good for them to gently sway constantly, promotes a stronger stalk (its kinda comparible to a person working out, muscles tear slightly then repair themselves and get stronger)...and its not really necessary to open a window, matter of fact in most areas outside CO2 levels are between 300-400ppm, and most indoor CO2 levels are around 515-650ppm, and can be boosted with easy sugar/yeast mix CO2 bottles...other than that, doin great, keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice, i did have the fan on them slightly but heard that it used a lot of energy on the stalk so kind of backed off a bit but i will do that from now on and as for the droopy plant will it come back to its normal self??? its a tad bit droopyer today keeping a close eye on it as i dont want it to die.................... also how many weeks till i start to flower? does it matter when????

also ive read up on trimming the plant at the top so it forms 2 stems which will produce more bud. is this a good idea being a newbie and all that?

any advice is good advice


Active Member
yeah, you don't want too much airflow to where the plants are like blowin sideways lol but yeah, its always good to have it blowin on them slightly...

the droop should go away once you're able to identify the problem and make adjustments accordingly...although it could be just a genetically weak plant, thats not uncommon either...i had one of those, i was able to tell just because im using flood tables and all my other plants were great aside from that one (out of 12), so i knew it wasnt a nutrient or environmental problem

you can start flower anytime you choose, whether its from seed or the plant is a year old...i would reccomend flower when your plant has reached 1/3 its spacial capacity, cause they will double or triple in size by the time theyre ready to cut

trimming will produce more main colas, topping being 2, and FIM techniques sometimes producing as many as 4...i personally didnt with my first go round, just because i didnt wana risk messin them up, but i wish i had because i seriously underestimated how big they would get lol but it's dealers choice really, if you do though, keep em in veg for at least another 2 weeks before flowering...and make sure its with sterile equipment


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the info. I have trimmed 2 of them correctly and now i am going to wait to see what happens before i do the others. Also i will put a few pics on from time to time just so you can see the progress. They have been repoted. I did 2 about 5 days ago and they have grown fairly well since ( the two i have trimmed) so fingers crossed lol als got the mixable mirical grow now instead of pellets. On a timer for 15 hours light a day. Ph levels are around 5.5. The droopy one was about 7.5 so need to lower that. Could of been the cause but i dont know as im a newbie lol bt its all about learning


Well-Known Member
Oh and as for the droopy plant. Since it has been repotted it seems to have a spring in its step lol its fine now