Help needed starting to think its all gone wrong....

Hi all, im 4 weeks and 2 days into flower, im using a 400w dual spectrum hps with canna tetra floures with canna boost every other watering, i have just the one plant and it as a nirvana ak48. She is covered in what i think you would call pre flowers and they all have lots of bright white and green hairs bud no sign's of bud. I had a look and it stated 7-8 weeks flowering period but can finish as early as 48 days. Does the 7-8 weeks mean i got to flower for 7-8 weeks or does it mean 7-8 weeks from seed to harvest? Am i being an impatient Tw@ or is there something i am doing wrong ? ? ? ?
Here are some pictures i took in the last day. Any help would be appreciated.

Peace out.

what no bud 1.jpgwhatnobud3.jpgwhatnobud2.jpg


Well-Known Member
7-8 weeks from the time you start flowering. Depending on the strain I'd suggest 9-10 weeks after you start flowering.


Active Member
looks about right did you ever think about trying some molasses in your water for soil? it helps after i used it my buds started to blow up like balloons


Well-Known Member
Ur fine dude, they will start to pack on MUCH more weight and density in the last 2 weeks, here is were most growth is, how far away is ur light though? They look a litte thin, other than that, nice green color
Ur fine dude, they will start to pack on MUCH more weight and density in the last 2 weeks, here is were most growth is, how far away is ur light though? They look a litte thin, other than that, nice green color
i have had to bend the top 3 branches as it was only 3-4 inches away from the bulb, im going to get a m/h bulb for my next grow as i used flourecent tubes to veg :(
looks about right did you ever think about trying some molasses in your water for soil? it helps after i used it my buds started to blow up like balloons
I just had a look at my flower nutes its 2-2-4 npk been looking on here and that seems a little rubbish, how would i go about using the molasses done a bit of reading and they seem to suggest 3/4 a tablespoon per gallon, would blackstrap molasses do the trick ??
I cant get hold of the liquid form of molasses but i can get the sugar type is that the same here is the description...

Billington's Molasses Sugar is special. It has a rich and unique depth of flavour unmatched by any other dark beown soft sugar.

The difference is it's unrefined. We take care to lock in the maximum amount of natural molasses from sugar cane, so it tastes unlike any other sugar.


Active Member
if your on week 4 of flowering then on week 5 for 7-10 days get some canna pk 13/14 it gives a phosphourus and pottasium kick to the plants and they love that during flowering its only 15 quid and you should be able to get it from the same place your got your nutes from i use the same nutes as you and always get good results happy growing
if your on week 4 of flowering then on week 5 for 7-10 days get some canna pk 13/14 it gives a phosphourus and pottasium kick to the plants and they love that during flowering its only 15 quid and you should be able to get it from the same place your got your nutes from i use the same nutes as you and always get good results happy growing
I got the pk13/14 here, was going to use it when the buds started to grow about 2 weeks from the finish, should i give them full strength pk along with the flower nutes and the bud boost ??


Active Member
i would only use it at the beginning of week 5 for about 10 days max and yeah give it full strength at 1.5 mil per litre thats the best time and ratio to use it at


Active Member
this is true mine is at week 7 almost (day 40) and is almost ready to harvest maybe 2 more weeks and shes a brute


Active Member
This is my week 4

This is my week 5

Believe it or not i was surprised myself on how fast it changed!! this was after i added the molasses in the end of week 3 i believe thats what made it explode in growth!!

my flower from start to finish link is below if you wanna have a look!!:leaf::weed:
Ok i giving her full strength pk13/14 for the next 10 days hopefully she blow up a little, cant get my hand on molasses going to try and get some and give her a taste of it as soon as i can, thanks guys for the info it is much needed. Peace out.


Active Member
Good luck man!
if your in the uk somewhere there is a thread where you can get the molasses i believe its called something different over there!!
Its good news i managed to get some molasses it says its pure unrefined, its almost black and smells like trecle lol, so i added a teaspoon full to a 2 litre bottle with full strength flower nutes, full strenght boost and full strength pk13/14. Fingers crossed i see a change in a week or so. i will keep you posted and again thanks for the help people. Peace out.....