Help needed


Hi I'm trying to design a good grow room for a Friend which room consists of 3.5m x 3.5m to grow 9 plants.

First off I was thinking about a 12" rhino filter

8" inline fan

9x 400w hps lights. 1 per plant

100l or 50l pots? Opinions please.

Any recommendations on nutes?

Basically looking to completely seal the room up air tight

Any help appreciated

VIP Grower

You can use (4) 400 watt HID, (3) 600 watt HID, or (2) 1000 watt HID lights. Now based on your square meters (I converted to square footage for ease), you can grow up to 66 plants maximum with 2 sqft. minimum of space for each one. If I was you I would grow 20-22 plants with 6 sqft. of space for each. Since your doing 9 plants, I would go with a (9) 5 gal pots. Instead of making one big grow room, make a vegetation room and a flowering room. That way, you can harvest every 2-3 months. When it comes to nutrients and soil always go organic. I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend for vegetation and Botanicare Pure Blend Bloom for the flowering stage. I made my own carbon filter. Usually you want an intake and exhaust fan for a closed system. If your getting a 8 inch inline fan get 2 of them. You'll also need 8 inch ducting if you can find it and an 8 in carbon filter. If you make 2 grow rooms (depending on the size), you can get 4 or 6 inch inline fan, ducting, and filter. For organic soil I'm using Happy Frog Soil. It has a lot of nutrients in it that the plants love. I hoped I covered everything. Good luck building & growing!


Well-Known Member
your forgetting the IR heat from the Hid lights

ok your area u need
4 1000w hids that is 1.5 meters squared of great light (5x5 in feet) 4 of them would cover the whole area with great light (the overlap of the light cones will make that outer edge stronger ) will work great
now u will need cool tubes to help reduce the heat build up from the lights .......those are 6 inch normally unless u pay extra for a hood with a 8inch

what is the total size of the room width length height (figure out if a 8 inch is good or if u need a 12 inch ) for exhaust of the air plus a fast speed fan can lower the temp little more
then u need to think about Co2 if u want or do u want a mini split AC or a window shaker

but right now u are already looking at 4 breakers unless u are a 220 volt then u are on 2 breaker .....that is just for the lights

i would go with some 16 inch wall mounted fans to move the air around in the area reduce the IR heat on the leaves

as for feeding a new person GO Box just amazon it all in one kit it is organic when they are ready to move around u can get the dirty dozen from fox farms (that is more chemical based)

as for sealing the room up that is not completely possible u still in a air intake to replace the hot used air being sucked out ....but u can maintain negative pressure is fairly simple u go to a home depot or lowes(hardware stores) in the paint section they have poly wrap 20ft x 100ft u just take once piece plan it out and line the walls using staples and caulk/duct tape make it around in one then u lay a piece down for the floor and tape /staple it into place sealing it then u do the top same way .......cut out the doorway and u have the seal room except for the door in just need to lay a ducting path for the exhaust cut and tape the outlets


Well-Known Member
If you want to do a sealed room you need co2 and AC. No air intake on sealed rooms, you supplement with co2 and keep it cool with just AC. I would definitely do 4 x 1000w lights, 4 x 400s is really low lighting for that sized space.