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Can anyone tell me what these dots are and how to fix it indoor hydroponic


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i would wait for confirmation but it looks like this.
Sometimes called “yellow leaf spot” or “leaf septoria,” this condition is caused by a fungus (or sometimes a bacteria) that attacks cannabis plants and usually appears in warm, wet weather. The symptoms first appear on the bottom leaves of the plant.

The spots may have darkened borders and may have a hard growth in the middle like a little pimple, but the thing that makes the spots the most unique is they are often very uniform, like little circles. Each spot is the receptacle of a spore (ewwww) which look like tiny dark specks in the center of each spot.

Although the spots often appear yellow like in the picture below, they will start turning brown over time. So if you see round brown spots on your cannabis leaves it could also be caused by leaf septoria.

Example of the round yellow leaf spots caused by a fungus - this condition is known as yellow leaf spot or leaf septoria

Solution to Leaf Septoria

This fungus spores may stay in the soil over the winter, and attack your plants in the summer. Spores are also easily spread by wind and rain.

  • Immediately (and carefully) remove all affected leaves to get rid of as many spores as possible.
  • Prune any leafy parts of the plant to improve circulation through the plant
  • Avoid getting water on the leaves or laying on top of each other – you want to avoid moisture
  • Make sure to keep the ground under your plant clean. Rake away all leaves and vegetation. Adding mulch can also help prevent spores from spreading.
  • Keep plants healthy, sicks plants are much more susceptible to leaf septoria than healthy plants
  • One way to help prevent this fungus from attacking your plants is to rotate crop sites or move to a new location every year.
  • A copper based fungicide or a broad spectrum fungicide may be effective at stopping the fungus from spreading though they are best used as a preventative.
  • Depending on exactly what’s causing your leaf spot, Neem Oil may be used to help combat the problem. Neem Oil will leave an unpleasant taste/smell on buds when used to treat flowering plants, so don’t let this stuff get near your buds! You will need a mister (also called a “One-Hand Pressure Sprayer”) to spray all the leaves evenly, since neem oil and water can separate easily. Try spraying just a small part of the plant and see how it reacts first before spraying the whole thing.
Get Neem Oil Extract on!A One-Hand Pressure Sprayer is perfect for misting plants
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Check for bugs with loupe, look under leaves too, if not bugs than maybe calcium def?

If no bugs i need more info on grow
You have to put up more info to get a better answer. what nutrients, how much, what ppm or ec, what pH, how often do you change it? room temp, light type and height from plant? what do the roots look like? any slime buildup on them? does the water stink? are you using calmag? what's in the nutrients you're using? anything else you can think of? take pics of dry leaf in white light as close as you can get a good focus on those spots. Is this spreading to other leaves, if so, what do they look like, give pics.
I think it’s leaf septoria this is my first time so I’m new to this stuff and sporadically I went and bought trifecta crop control as preventative measure they are growing and nothing is decaying but those spots keep appearing the septoria or yellow leaf seems like the suspect but there still very early week 2 veg so I’m to scared to proon anything off of them and light is good 3 feet away from my plants I wanna know what it is and how to treat it before it’s to late and how much harm can it do
I’m growing indoor hydroponic clay pebbles medium and general hydroponic nutrients and there flies that come in my tent somehow from time to time and they die or leave I just clean up after em