Help!/newbie starting a closet grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I wanna start by saying thanks for welcoming to the site....I need some help asap! I wanna buy my parts but i not sure if i have everything i need so was wondering if you guys can advice me, I put a list of all the parts i plan to buy I also included measurements for better idea of the space.

Grow list and space measurements:

pyrex 6' inch diameter wide:


Panasonic Whisper Line 240 CFM 6" Duct In-Line Fan FV-20NLF1
1 booster 6" booster inline fan used to boost air flow:

Scrubber/carbon filter:

Air Flow :

scrubber--->fan---->duct---->fan(hooked to cool tube)----->fan(other side of cooltube)---->duct---->fan----->exhaust
or :
Carbon filter ----> Cool Tube ----> Fan ----> out

Switchable Digital ballast:

Switchable Ballast:

Im using Mh for Vegging and Hps for flowering.
My lumens per sq ft is going be 4166.

6" ducting for exhaust and intake....

humidity dome for clones and seedlings with a t8 fluorescent and heating mat


Well-Known Member
everything looks ....though i would look for a more efficient way to do your ducting...thats a lot of fans....

that and your lumens per sq ft is a little low....well atleast lower than i would run


Well-Known Member
hey thanks guys, yea i was thinking i might be low on lumens per sq ft but i dont want to bring more heat in there if i go with a 600w instead of 400w... or can i maybe add some cfl around the sides to increase lumens? any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I used soft white cfl's on the sides and a good 23w or 42w light give off a decent amount of lumens with giving off much heat...that is if you want to increase but the amount of lumens per sq. ft sounds good to go as is...