Help!!! nitrogen toxicity???


Active Member
I'm growing a bagseed outdoors and tried to be more organic and add rabbit manure to my miracle grow potting soil. Turns out it had too much N.(pretty sure anyway, dark green leaves, weak and thin at the end? Anyway the plant is only 3 weeks old so its not too big of a deal i just dont know how to get the N back down to normal if there's rabbit manure still in there wont it release even more N?
Sorry I dont have pictures. I lost the little card converter thing.

Thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Don't feed plants that dont need feeding. Dont add things unless you know why you are adding them. If youre not fully organic, you cant be "a little" organic by adding some animal shit.

Is rabbit manure even a good fertilizer? Did you just dump fresh rabbit shit on the plant?

Is the plant in a pot? What kind of MG soil is it? Organic? Time released nutrients? Water retention?

I would say, remove the rabbit shit and flush the plant with plain water.


Active Member
so transplant it out of the dirt? i am growing a gal pot currently and no time release. read it was bad. rabbit manure is a great fertilizer and i put it in semi hot


Well-Known Member
Yes rabbit manure is a pretty good fertilizer- it is something that is useful to use, if used right.
Did you top dress it or mix it through the whole potting mix? If it's top dressed i'd say scoop the top layer of soil off. As for mixed through, if it seems like it is burning then the only way to help i think would be to get it out of the hot soil... but that could also damage/shock the plant and stunt growth in itself. Maybe you could carefully take enough soil that you are not cutting through any roots to pull it out but a small enough amount that the roots will pop out of that hot media in the next week or two and then into your new media. If it's being fried you will probably be better off bare rooting it and giving it a dip in a kelp solution or something to go into whole a whole new potting mix- which would be a trade off of damage vs death....

But before you get too carried away I think you need to be certain about what is going on. Look at photo's and illustrations/charts that detail what a nitrogen burn looks like to make sure you aren't confusing it with something else.