help noob

ok i have a digital ph tester an calibration solution i calibrated it perfect i tested my water after ph up n down an it was 6.7-6.8 an i watered with that no nutes an i tested the runoff it was 5.8 is that my soils ph? btw theres alittle bit of fertilizer in the soil
reason i ask is i have a nitrogen defficencey from what people are telling me on here and i dont exactlt think thats the case it looks like that but im just trying to rule out possible ph lockout thanks in advance i will post pics if u guys want to see for yourself


Well-Known Member
Definitely lacking nitrogen and since your runoff ph is way less than you're putting through I'd guess it's a ph problem. Maybe flush with water at 6.5 until the runoff doesn't change.

What's in your soil?
my temp is always 70-82 degrees my 150 hps is about 9-8 inches from plant some experienced growers to comment would be nice dont know what to do at this point


Well-Known Member
the lime works as a ph buffer so the ph should be ok but not looks like potassium def. n for sure lacking nitrogen< the fertilizer in soil is noy enough to supply amount your plant wants, use some nutes if your low on $ or dont got a hydro store they got kelp&guano and fish fert for your N def. feed em! how close your lights BTW
thanks stlbudz nice to get a reply from a more experienced grower an i didnt know i could feed so thats awesome an money isnt exactly a problem but is limited lol my light is about 8-9 inches away from top of plant an i LST today so now about 12 inches away i ordered some botanicare pro gro veg an bloom hoping that would do the trick unfortunately i just watered tuesday so will have to wait till this weekend if you have any ideas on what i should do prior o this let me know i check this thread alot i can post new pics if you wanna see if its worse or progressed ill keep you updated


Well-Known Member
yeah id like to see the progress after you feed , id recommend molasses (blackstrap) at 1 tbls per gal, and i usually feed them that till i chop its also good source of mag and carbs. if your not using tap water i suggest you get some cal/mag as well botanicare has it aswell , if you are using tap i wouldnt recommend it, but you can still get it if you want. thats a good distance from the light keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Get something with high N and lower P K (since i assume your still in veg?) 100% dose a big ass tub of water, ph to 6.5 , take the plant and place on something that can get wet and easy to collect from. Run a shit load of this through the plant next watering, until your runoff is 6.5, or close to it. This will fix problem if its a N def, or whacked ph.
thanks for the feedback stlbudz and snake good info is molasses or {blackstrap} high in nitrogen an low in p k ? i will let u guys know what the results are after feed again thanks for the feedback
so i fed my plant tonight with jacks classic all purpose 20-20-20 with a bit of cal mag an phd the water to 6.7-6.8 an ran the whole gallon through it an i tested the runoff at 5.5 i thought if i flush with nutrients an a gallon of water through 3/4 gallon of soil it would go to that ph am i guna have to run more gallons thru my next water or should i be good? thanks in advance could use the extra help


Well-Known Member
molasses is mostly just for carbs and mag, and you have to mix it in with the soil if i were you id transplant if your using a small pot exp: 1 gal to 2 or 2 to 3 or 3 to 5, and mix the dolomite lime in with some new soil and transplant into new soil/pot, do the transplant properly and you shouldnt get shock , its really simple just do bother the roots too much and give a heavy watering after transplant, IF transplanting is out of the question then yea i guess it wouldnt hurt to sprinkle a good amount if its staying at 5.5 , then water to let it settle in the soil>
yea transplanting is out of the question right now just moved into a 1 gallon an have no soil right now working on getting FFOF cause i herd it was a great soil for weed with alot less ph issues how much should i put on top of the soil? an can i do this next water even though i watered with cal mag last time? i dint know dolomite lime was full of cal an mag until recently thanks man!