Help out a friend, y'all!


Well-Known Member
My plants have (what I thought was) a Magnesium/Potassium deficiency.. I've added Epsom salts to the rez and I've also been spraying with a 2% solution of distilled water and Epsom salt....

There are rusy brown spots all over the place... some leave tips are curling up, some down...

Some tips are very brittle...

Leaves appear waxy (from spraying??)

Can I get the forums advice on this one???


Well-Known Member
I would be thinking, that you spraying , and the intensity of the light burnt the leaves in certain spots. What kind of lights you using to grow jordann9e?


Well-Known Member
I only would spray when dark... or at the start of the light period... I have a 600watt HPS...


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
You might have a PH problem which could in turn lead to a number of nutrients not being able to be absorbed by the plant. If you are certain your ph is good then you double check temps and be very certain of what you are feeding them (you should know your PPMs of everything I beleive). I am a soil grower (or am I? Damn you Feds making me ambiguous!) so I hope someone with some real 'ponic' knowledge comes along.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a way to read ppm's yet.... i changed out my rez water. Replaced with good base and bloom nutes.... added miracle gro plant food because it has high potassium... added molasses... (2 tbs. per gallon) and added my superthrive..... we'll see what happens


Active Member
I don't have a way to read ppm's yet.... i changed out my rez water. Replaced with good base and bloom nutes.... added miracle gro plant food because it has high potassium... added molasses... (2 tbs. per gallon) and added my superthrive..... we'll see what happens

i may be wrong but i dont think they have a miracle gro for hydro, so that could cause a problem i think... also superthrive is not formulated for a dro system, you might just be nuking your plant slowly..

it is not good practice to use soil ferts in a dro system, find a good 3 pack or combo nute system and just stick with its recommended regimen for a while and you should have good results.

for now i would flush it out for a good bit then run dro only nutes until you get the proper kit..

a good ph to maintain is usually around 5.0 to 5.5 for a post flushout as the nutes will bring it up a notch when remixed..

personally i dont monitor ppm because i know nothing about it, i just keep up with weekly rez changes.

hope this helps.


Active Member
What kind of water are you using RO or tap water?

Tap water Ph will rebound and have to be adjusted one or twice a day until it stabilizes. It will stabilize for a while...depends on tank size, plant growth, nutrients used, etc...then will start to drop (could be a day to a week). Change the nutes and start over again.
It works for me.

I think Earl had a really great post on this.


Well-Known Member
i may be wrong but i dont think they have a miracle gro for hydro, so that could cause a problem i think... also superthrive is not formulated for a dro system, you might just be nuking your plant slowly..

it is not good practice to use soil ferts in a dro system, find a good 3 pack or combo nute system and just stick with its recommended regimen for a while and you should have good results.

for now i would flush it out for a good bit then run dro only nutes until you get the proper kit..

a good ph to maintain is usually around 5.0 to 5.5 for a post flushout as the nutes will bring it up a notch when remixed..

personally i dont monitor ppm because i know nothing about it, i just keep up with weekly rez changes.

hope this helps.
I don't know if you all can read this, but it's from Web Gallery Wizard™

That's where I got the idea for the miracle gro . . i added it right to the rez...

I am not using rockwool or a hydro medium per-se... I've got sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite....

and as for the 3 part nute's ... I've got that....but something was out of wack . . pH lockout?? something... but in that picture, you'll see for a dro system, the potassium uptake is best when the pH it 5.5-5.8.... I am @ 5.8.... we'll see???


And I am using distilled water.....

check out my signature for my Grow Journal... Thanks everyone!!! I'll keep ya posted! :)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You havea ton of issues going on. You have to know your daily ppm and water ph to grow hydro.If you dont know those daily there is no way to grow hydroponically. You need a ph and ppm meter. The miracle grow nutes very bad idea for hydro grows bad bad bad. I bet your ph is way in the 7s casuing crisp yelow or brown leaves and gnarled or claw looking leaves.Misting is a bad idea especially with a 600 watt light as the left over dew drops are instant burns and brown spots on the leaves.The superthrive isnt all that great stuff either. If your mixing nutes with no idea of the ppm or the daily ppm how do you know what your top off is and what your plants are eating or drinking?? You need new nutes, a ph pen, a tds ppm meter and stop spraying them and keep the res water at around 65 degrees F.Untill you get the ph at 5.5-5.8 and know what the ppm is and match it to the nutes feeding chart readings you cant do hydro


Well-Known Member
Thank you, -FF-!!The pH is at 5.8, and staying there. . lol . . so this guy @ Web Gallery Wizard™ has no idea what he's talking about??

Check out my grow journal for a more in depth look at her....

I won't be able to get a ppm meter until i get a new job... :(


Well-Known Member
I bought some Hammerhead from Advanced Nutrients. It's a P-K booster that'll give her the phosphate and potassium she needs. It'll be coming in the mail soon with my TDS (ppm) meter I picked up on EBay for $15. I'll let ya'll know! :)
