Help!!! (pics)


This is my first grow and I'm a little worried. I just put 5 plantIMG_0415.jpgs into flower 1 week ago today and on day 2 I noticed the new growth on top starting to droop. I have a total oIMG_0415.jpgf 6 ft of 4 bulb T5's. The PH is high around 7.5. I've been trying to get the PH down with lemon juice in water(PHed) butIMG_0422.jpg my soil mix is to dense to keep watering. Normally I have been watering with bat guano and now in flower seabird guano.IMG_0420.jpg Ya think nute lock up? I did spray with epsom and water a few days ago because it looked to be mag that was locked. Now Im just lost...What do you think???? Other than that should they be bigger for being 2 and 3 months old? Any help would be appreciated....