HELP!!! piff leaves truning brown n bending

HEYY!! first time grower here
its been gud up until now the 4 buttom leave r turning brown n bending
wat should i do??
the day b4 i took the pic i give the nute coffee grounds


Active Member
the coffee grounds might have burned your plant, probably not tho considering you just did it once, Just keep giving it water and nutrients if you have them, not too much tho. the leaves will just fall off and new ones will grow back


Well-Known Member
Is that a house plant in there with it? If the only "nute" you are giving her is coffee and she is struggling for food with the other plant that could be an issue.. What kind of light is she under? U will get better advice if you give more detail in your posts with less "slang" it makes it hard for us "oldies" to understand what you are actually saying.

no not that i know of. they might of been somthing in the pot.
she under natural sun light.
i only been giving it water until yesterday that i gave it the coffee grounds
how do u think the plant looks, does it look healthy??


Active Member
I'm a first time grower too, but have been an avid gardener forever. I know the coffee grounds will make the soil more acidic. Plants like roses and azalea's love acidic soil, and do much better with it than without. I don't if MJ plants prefer acidic soil. Also brown leaves occur on plants when they aren't getting enough water, the soil isn't holding enough water or the roots can't reach the water. Hope that helps, good luck!