Help ! Plant leafs turning yellow during flowering


So I am around mt 3-4 week of flower and everything was going great! good sunny hot outdoor weather and no bugs ( touch wood ) but the past few days the bottom leaves of my plants of been turning yellow ! its only on the lower half though. Should I be worried its a problem ? I havent used nutes in 2.5 weeks so its not a nute or fert burn and they have been flushed and soil ph is good. is this a major problem


Well-Known Member
Let me guess. When a new set of leaves pop up the two lower leaves die off. It could be root rot. dont add bunches of water. When I had this problem it was a very wet summer and the excess water caused root rot.


No the leafs had been perfectly fine for ever basiclly like 4 weeks plus they are just turning yellow but not dieing off, and I have been adding the same amount of water for the whole seaons and this has never happened, Just during flowering so wonder if its a common thing


Well-Known Member
If its 1 or 2 sets of leaves, thats normal, but if its more than that, you are probably giving it a bit too much water.


Well-Known Member
Yeah try and wait until it dries up and hit it with some flowering nutes, and regardless what people might tell you Marijuana does like some Nitrogen during flowering. So don't be shy to add a little with your next feed. Could possibly be Nitrogen Deficient currently. Anyhow good luck and enjoy the Goods.


So should I hold off on how much water I give and if leafs continue to turn yellow add a small does of flowering ferts? Wont that mess up the taste of buds because I will not have enough time to flush plant


Well-Known Member
I've posted this before....if this is an outdoor grow, have a look around at the other trees and deciduous bushes. Their leaves are turning, too! It's that time of year. The chlorophyll has been expended, and the leaves have done their job. Probably starts with the fan leaves. but then the lower leaves?

Pinch off the yellow ones, at the stalk. Don't leave any stem. It will droop down and likely be the start of a rot spot on the stem.

Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's true too, if your right at the end/late flower then a couple leaves turning is natural, but if the whole plant becomes engulfed in yellow from the bottom up and you still have a few weeks left then I would def Nute one last time, and do a couple week flush. The plant is obviously going to use it's reserved energy in the leaves during the whole flowering process, however during the first 5 or 6 weeks you do want to makes sure there are plenty of Nutes available for the roots to uptake in the soil/medium. Don't be shy to give some Nitrogen, and if your only 4 weeks in or so you still have at least 4 or 5 weeks before the plant will be Fully ripe and "mature". I quotation the word mature because a wide majority of people consider the plant mature when red hairs are visual on the majority of the plant. You want to wait as long as possible as you gain plenty of weight during the end of the eighth week up to the 10th for indica's. Not only that the potency is gained as well. Unless you want a cloudy trich kind of high wait until their amber or until the plant generally looks done. Leaves will be curling into the bud and the hairs will be very red/orange and almost a gold looking. This time is the most optimal time to harvest as you will be harnessing all of the plants potential and the high will be awesome, and taste even better. So anyway yeah if your only half way done, than don't be shy to give some Nitrogen and other Nutes particularly P and K as well. So try to be patient, sounds like you have a ways to go, pics would be good to give a more accurate analysis of where your at.