Help plant problem CLONES! droopy.

I took these clones i will admit it was the first time but I used a clean brand new razor I cut at a 45 degree angle then dipped in water then into a rooting hormone it was a powder not sure if that matters then i placed the cuttings in starter pellets i am using a humidity dome but I just dont know what I am doing wrong its only been like 4 or 5 days but why are they so droop and sad. Also I am using this foiler spray once or twice a day i mixed it accordingly with the bottle. HELP HELP HELP HELP ME!


Well-Known Member
I think your name says it all.Don't give up keep researching and watching videos on the net maybe try gel.You will get it down.It would be cool if rollitup had a section dedicated to cloning too.


Well-Known Member
stop using the foliar spray and spray them with just tap water and make sure the pellets are moist at all times. uncover the humidity dome once in a while to let in fresh air and respray them and cover them up. If you see the leaves yellowing then use the foliar spray to feed it also make sure you spray under the leaves as well.
Thanks alot for the help I am going to switch to gel next time for sure it was just a budget thing I had to do but I think I wont have any more problems with clones if I get something to heat up the roots like a heat pad you know what I mean.

THANKS alot for the help and I have not been watering under leaves but I guess I will start doing that