HELP plant wiltting cant figure it out got pics


I am currently 4 weeks into re-vegging after sexing my baby. i woke up this morning and my plant is willting bad. i noticed 4 days ago that it looked like i was in the beggining stages of root rot so i went out and purchased some aquashield and i also had to take off a good amount of roots. i am using botanicare pro grow and berry sweet and my is kept between 5.5-6 and they are being low stress trained as weel. any suggestions are greatly appreciate please help cus she looks SUPER SICK



I am currently 4 weeks into re-vegging after sexing my baby. i woke up this morning and my plant is willting bad. i noticed 4 days ago that it looked like i was in the beggining stages of root rot so i went out and purchased some aquashield and i also had to take off a good amount of roots. i am using botanicare pro grow and berry sweet and my is kept between 5.5-6 and they are being low stress trained as weel. any suggestions are greatly appreciate please help cus she looks SUPER SICK
* i ment PH not is


Well-Known Member
they could be in shock from cutting the roots. but from first glance they look really thirsty. whens the last time u watered??


Those babies look sad as fuck. Dark green leaves with nute or heat stress burns, topping over, curling... The res looks big enough so it couldn't be root bound, could it? Jeez im pretty stumped. Have you made any changes in feeding? Damn dude, i haven't seen plants look that bad unless they were dead males hung up to dry.


Those babies look sad as fuck. Dark green leaves with nute or heat stress burns, topping over, curling... The res looks big enough so it couldn't be root bound, could it? Jeez im pretty stumped. Have you made any changes in feeding? Damn dude, i haven't seen plants look that bad unless they were dead males hung up to dry.
she is in DWC 5 gallon bucket the most fucked thing is lastnight she looked beautiful and this morning i woke up to this i am so confused i have no clue what is going on she is being LST so that is why she is leaning over


Yo im new to this site... but it looks like you're running hydro right? To me it looks like lack of water, id check your lines for any clogging. And the leaf tips looked nute burned.


Well-Known Member
did u mess with ph or feeding shedule last night?? iv seen plants look alot worse then that simply becuz of stress.


no i havent messed with feeding schedule i did check ph last night and it was a little high so i added ph down besides that no changes at all besides adding the aquashield to battle the beginning stages of pythium. and as far as water i am running deep water culture the roots that had yet to be affected from the pyth are fully sumbmerged i ran out this morning and got another airstone which makes a total of three per bucket because i thought maybe there was not enough dissolved oxygen but that doesnt seem to be helping at all
and i cant add H202 wiht botanicare nutes


ha im not givin up yet i dont know how i go to bed wiht her being nice and perky and wake up with her on her death bed i have gone through most of the obvious things and everything is running normal i just cant figure it out


Active Member
I know exactly what your problem is. Your nutes were fine until your plants stopped getting enough oxygen well actually co2 to the roots. Whatever air supply you have to your plants if you want to save them,which they look pretty bad, you need to double your air supply;get a bigger pump. When root rot starts to happen it's not because of overnuting or too thick of nute concentration it's because not enough air to the roots when running dwc. If you have 3 airstones per bucket/medium, take one of the airstones off the hose and just let the bubbles blast over the root system,this technique will clean your roots and get new healthy white roots forming again. Before you do this, flush your mediums 3 times the amount,put fresh R0 water in your reservoirs. R0 water with no nutes at all will cause your plants to use the stored energy it has rather than getting more nutes from the water supply. STAY UP OREGON.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Have you tried foliar watering them yet? It might help until the roots get back into shape. They look pretty messed up though. I think you need some expert help there.


You cut your roots. This is trouble as you can now see the results. I'd try a light ppm nute solution to try to nurse them back. Clean your system if it is dirty. however, if you have pythium, they are likely to be dead and just don't know it yet. Start again and be cleaner. I suppose you can buy stuff for it but if it was me I'd cut my losses and reset. I 've never seen plants bounce back from that. A light H2o2 solution could work as a flush...very very light, but I think the damage is already done. Best of luck though.