2 VIPARSPECTRA Reflector-Series 600W, and 1 Lkled 300W (was a cheap free light) now that you say that I think I could spread them more to get better coverage (which I didn’t even think about)
Love the ideal of trying a few different styles, and I’m going to try and see how it goes. There’s so much info out there it’s really overwhelming for a new grower, this forum has helped me so much, THANK YOU ALL!
I have another question I’ve heard splitting the main stalk with a pen/pencil will cause the plant to stress and produce more resins and THC, is that true or just a myth. (I’m not going to try it, I’ve just seen a few growers that swear by it.
For those lights, from what I found, which you've probably already considered, it's advised to keep both switches on during flowering. Do you have both switches on? What is the distance from your lights to your canopy now? I'm reading 14-18 inches is good for those lights, but it seems like that's where they're at already. If you're already around 14 inches, I'd keep them there. They don't seem to be wanting for anything, Its easy to look at them now after seeing so many other grows further along and think to yourself you're doing something wrong, but if you give them the same amount of time, and TLC, you'll be pulling some nice nuggets for sure.
Splitting the stalk, that's beyond my experience level. I haven't heard much in the way of using a pencil or other object to do it, but I have heard of "breaking the trunk" where growers intentionally lossen the fibers of the trunk of the plant, and let it heal. I can't speak much about that either. Maybe one day I'll get bored and have an extra plant to practice on, but there are so many techniques already that's I feel it's best to not get distracted with technques like that

I'm already reading hours of research daily, lol. Don't get me started on stalk splitting. You said you've seen a few growers that swear by it, and that is the case most of the time. One thing about cannabis growing, and forums in general, is there is a lot of bad advice that you gotta learn to filter through. If it is something that "some growers swear by" then it usually means it's not really an accepted or understood methodology yet.
I find myself reading about tomato and pepper cultivation a lot of the time cause you just don't see the anywhere near the misinformation and most, if not all of that knowledge translates directly to cannabis growing. Little tip for ya.