Your soil is much too coarse to start seedlings man. All those bark chips and crap are preventing your plant to grow up to the light so they grow out searching for place to move towards the light. Find some actual potting soil to start them out or could try some rooter options.Hey guys, I’m so new to growing and I’ve been trying to grow my own plants. I germinate The seeds and now I got them in soil. I got a lilttle worried when I saw this.... is this normal i don’t know wat to do now. Please help
Doesn't look like it, supposed to be pointed up looking for the sun. All that wood debris can really make your soil hot as in low PH.Ok thank u, but is the plant it self ok
Keep watering it. It will turn towards the light. It looks fine, just on the ground from the weight of the chips on it. You could bury that part of the stem if you chose. I have when mine have bent over like that or you could take the couple small chips off it. I keep my seedlings a bit moister.Hey guys, I’m so new to growing and I’ve been trying to grow my own plants. I germinate The seeds and now I got them in soil. I got a lilttle worried when I saw this.... is this normal i don’t know wat to do now. Please help
I watered this morning,it has slightly grew over nite... but I get the feeling that I fucked upprop it up with a wooden skewer, move the large pieces in the soil off to the side. Does it need watering?
So u think it looks okKeep watering it. It will turn towards the light. It looks fine, just on the ground from the weight of the chips on it. You could bury that part of the stem if you chose. I have when mine have bent over like that or you could take the couple small chips off it. I keep my seedlings a bit moister.
Dang, ok what my other plant is that dead as well.... I got more seed I’m about germinate. So pls tips are very much welcome guys
Other than looking way to dry with some chips on it. But you can prop it with a small skewer, you can cover the stem etc...... Cannabis is a weed and is pretty tolerant. What substrate are you using? I usually start in Jiffy Pellets since I go through large volumes of seedlings and I keep them fairly moist. Then I move them to pint pots with Canna Coco pith.So u think it looks ok
Hey mate, I live in Australia so I found this at local hard warehouseWhat specific potting soil is that?
I don't know anything about that soil, but you do not want any of the built in time release nutrients in it.Hey mate, I live in Australia so I found this at local hard warehouse