Help please. Does anyone recognize what's going on here?


Active Member
Aloha. Stems are getting these small black spots on them and then dying. The black dots are slowly spreading to other stems. I've already been forced to cut one plant early after the same thing happened to it. Does anyone recognize what's going on from these pics? One are the black dots thru a microscope. The other is a stem that it has spread to and I've removed. Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
Looks like black spot fungus, but I've never had it on cannabis, so just a guess.


Well-Known Member
that appears to be Botrytis fungus, leaves mysteriously dry out on the buds. it attacks the inside the bud. flower bud will quickly turn into a slimy substance. you need to lower your humidity botrytis can destroy your hole crop in seven to ten day.
Control: Minimize Botrytis attack lower humidity to 50% or lower get good air circulation and vent room well. as soon as you noticed it Use alcohol sterilized pruners to remove the infected buds remove about one inch of the infected area,
some amputate 2 to 4 inches to ensure removal.
Do not let the bud or anything that touches it touch anything else it is spread very easy.
Spray plants with Gliocladium roseum and Trichoderma species.
Bordeaux mixture keeps early stages of Botrytis in check as long as it is present on the foliage, Preventive spraying is advised if in a high risk area,. but spraying it around your bud nearing harvest isn't advised You can also check with your local nursery for product recommendations.
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Well-Known Member
Sure looks like some sort of fungus. I was able to save a crop and clones from pythium using 150ppm 3% H2O2 added to my water for a few waterings, not going to hurt it. If you're organic it will kill your beneficials so you'd need to provide some feeding. Worth a try, looks pretty far in though.


Active Member
After scraping red scale/barnacle looking things off my stem, I came across 2 cushiony cotton scales. I'm hoping these are the reason for these black spots appearing and its not some terminal disease/fungus. Could it be the black spots are appearing wherever the scales suck dry or leave behind honey doo? I notice the black spots appear at the healthiest perhaps most nutritious joints.
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Well-Known Member
After scraping red scale/barnacle looking things off my stem, I came across 2 cushiony cotton scales. I'm hoping these are the reason for these black spots appearing and its not some terminal disease/fungus. Could it be the black spots are appearing wherever the scales suck dry or leave behind honey doo? I notice the black spots appear at the healthiest perhaps most nutritious joints.

Check out this article I found out here on the net. good Luck hope all works out for you..


Active Member
I appreciate all the help guys. So it appears I've got both scales and botrytis. Im still tripping out over the scales. I didn't even know these were a type of bug until today. They were either red or cottony white looking and posted all over my stems. The leaves also have been getting brown splotches all over them before dying. Working on a picture of that. The reason that scale explanation makes so much sense to me is because I also have ants in my pots but never thought them to be a problem. Botrytis also makes complete sense because I am growing outdoors in Hawaii. Anyway, thanks again for opening my eyes to these possibilities.


Active Member
Here are some pictures of the main stem of the plant I just had to cut. Looking back I now see a bunch of white stuff on it resembling the cushiony cotton scale egg sacks. Does this also look like botrytis forming on the stem also?


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Active Member
These little red spots were up and down both plants before I found out that they were possibly pests. Anyone deal with these before? Perhaps damage from these little red things are what are causing the stems to spot then mold?


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Well-Known Member
Those are some Great pictures you sure can take a good photo, I wish everyone that took one was as good as yours. but yes your on the right track now, I am not sure what the red things are I can look into it can see if i can help you out on that one. try and get them into a place with the lowest humidity you can and do a cleaning with what I stated above hopefully you can save one or two before they go all the way.

Wishing you the best for your ladies....