help please plant stem ate in half

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
went to my plants outdoors the other day theyre all about a foot and a half tall and one of them was in half, the stem dangling by a thread i decided to cut it 45 degree angle and try to clone it in some olivis cloning solition, 3/4 cup per gallon dipped it in that and put it in soil in my greenhouse keeping the soil moist with the solution hoping for the best, it was my purple kush to:(never tried cloning before so help on this situation is much appreciated!!bongsmilie

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
it was a slug that ate it to as im having problems with those aswell, put beer traps out last night, gonna leave em there till tomorrow mornin is that alright


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you're asking, but in a similar thread I saw a guy recommend putting a container around the base of the plant buried a couple inches down so the sliugs cant get through it. Like a plasitc coffee can or something, anything. This may be misinformation though, so keep searching and good luck.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
help on the cloning situation not sure if i did it right.. ^thanks tho i donnt see how the slugs couldnt just crawl up the container..correct me if im wrong


Well-Known Member
You should put a dome on top of your clone, it has no roots and feeds through it's leaves, it needs high humidity to survive. Within 2 to 3 weeks you can gradualy romve the hood and see how it handles being in open air, if it droops or doesn't look good put the dome back on for an other week or two.


Well-Known Member
A plastic bag will do fine in a pinch. just spray you plant with a fine myst every now and then, not too much, just enough to keep humidity in there.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
thanks guys ive already done the trimming and what not, and put a wet plastic baggie over the plant. in a clear cup of soil so ill see roots hopefully oneday hah

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
it was dirictly in the ground and they were doing awesome exept for the slugs, then the slug went to work n muchedd it right in half... and yes thanks deetee. ive read that somewhere before also. secoond grow my plants are alot healthier than my first haha. the clone is in a small cup in my green house up in the rafters where it gets the most light haha

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
i dipped it in the 3/4/gallon of ovivias cloning solution..made other thread the pics are on there, called cloning help!

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
i put my beer traps in my soil and within an hour one was in a trap dead chillin haha. i have left them there for 2 days and its been raining, which probably filled them and made diluted beer go into the soil, which i hope isnt to big of a deal please inform me more about this. going to get them tmrw as its supposed 2 be sunny for 2 weeks straight starting tmrw, will the sun reduce the slugs comin out to eat to?