Help Please, Sexing issues. possible sex crime number 2


I had a problem with one plant sprouting alot of seeds, which i assumed was hermie, as i am growing fem seeds I am pretty sure it was just the one but then today now there is more space I noticed how my ny47 buds are forming very oddly.
Its almost as if each pistil is coming out of an individidual pod.
In the last photo (pic 9)I can see two stamen? Possibly.
After noticing a seed in a second of the remaining strains I am getting worried a may have another hermie, or one strong male lol its resin is starting to build nicely and Id hate to have to end another of my plants lives early.

Blue widow which was culled two days ago is the first two pics, Pics 3 and 5 are my remaining aurora indica, black jack, super lemon haze and nl x big bud.
The other photos are world of seeds ny47
i haven't really grown slow flowering sativa dominating plants before so i dont know if this is normal bud formation or i've been stupid and tending to a male these 7 weeks of flowering.
Help please!


buddha webb

New Member
The ph is out a little and over fert ,,see leaf curl, and where some leaves start to turn,not turn up or down but sideways a little.. ph.The pictures arent the clearest but they look ok,those "balls" look just like two swolllen calyx,,,...get another out.....B


buddha webb

New Member
get tweezers and pull one off,squeeze it,if its got a tiny white thing in the middle its hermie,but i think its calyx......but i can barely see my fingers right now!.........B


Cheers man I was just being paranoid, I had her outside the tent waiting opinion but decided for myself and put her back inside...I check ph every water and run water to waste so doubt its that or my reader is out.. Likely over fertilised, getting a bit excited on nutes, starting to flush on other plants now..