Help please...whats causing my stems to turn purple


Well-Known Member
Alriht well im not using the best soil, im using miracle gros organic choice.

I have 6 plants that are about a week old. They were a little stretched due to my lighting being a bit far away but i moved it closer.

But 5 of my 6 plants stems are purple and i dont know why. Possibly nitrogen deficiency?

If anyone can help me id really appreciate it,


Well-Known Member
Probably due to any of the following:

Overnute from the MG
Lockout from the MG, wrong ratios of nutes
Phos deficiency/overnute
Lockout due to PH
Lockout due to Tap water mineral concentration
Or genetics, but not likely if it was a sudden change

PH water goin in at 6.5 and check the water coming out the bottom, should be relatively the same, whats your water source? How much you feeding and what?


Well-Known Member
my stems were purple when they were small they should green up when they mature more im flowering right now and there a pinkist red hope this helps

Happy Growing


Well-Known Member
Oh ya (didnt read it was still young) if its little you might still be alright that intitial stem cover from the cotyledons down peels off eventually and can be purple from time to time.....wait it out a bit


Well-Known Member
alright. i was just curious cuz i know im not using good soil really so i thought it be from too much or not enough of a certain nutrient. i will wait it out. how longs it take to develope the 3rd set of leaves? they sprouted april 13th so they are just about a week old. also curious about this cuz growth seems slow. i currently have 3 27 watt 6400k lights on them about 3 to 4 inches away. i have plenty more i can add too as it progresses. alo have a 125 watt cfl but need a mogul socket.


Well-Known Member
oh harrycarey i currently use tap water but let it sit out for 2 days to let the chlorine evaporate. im not feeding them anything. probably wont until the 3 or 4 week mark


Well-Known Member
so now the tips of my leaves on 2 plants are turning purple as well. do you think this is normal or is my plant lacking something? or will this go away with age as well as the purple colored stems? just asking cuz i want to know what im doing wrong. if its critical or not so i know to trash the plants and start over again cuz i have like an endless supply of bag seed im basically practicing with right now until i can get this down. any help is appreciated