Help please

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I am an outdoor grower but have many projects I need a good light for.
I've been reading and it is completely confusing to me which is the best light because I've seen so many arguments. I need something that isnt going to kill my power bill but that is 600w or stronger. Not looking to pay over 800

If you want to go with LED then look into making your own, or having someone you know do it. There's a lot of info in the thread I linked below and you could build some nice LED Strip lights for about $1/Watt. I built two 250W lights and it ran me right around $500, but I also went with more expensive frame and heat sink materials.

4x4. I was looking at cobs...are they good or are the strips better?
Honestly I've only use t5s for veg...then they go outdoors.
However I have projects that need kick ass lighting. I know little about growing indoors.
I went from cheap Chinese COBs to Samsung FStrips and the difference is night and day. There are some really nice COBs out there, but I haven't looked into them enough to have any suggestions. The strips are a lot easier to work with, though, and run cooler.
Okay I'm starting to get a better idea...this is why I asked you guys! You are all the best ❤
The problem is the risk of not knowing what you are doing, and also not having a warranty when the SHTF lol. There are plenty tutorials on youtube on how to do it, but often after sales service is really nice to have
4x4. I was looking at cobs...are they good or are the strips better?
Honestly I've only use t5s for veg...then they go outdoors.
However I have projects that need kick ass lighting. I know little about growing indoors.
cobs are definitely serviceable, but strips will have better light distribution. led is probably your best bet imo, hid will have you needing a/c and more headroom than led would. plants are comfy into the low-mid 80s under led due to the lack/minimal presence of ir in the spectrum, and they can get fairly close to the lights without stressing provided you have good air circulation. higher humidity (60-70%) is preferable under led as well. a diy rig can be had for $1/watt or so, maybe less (been a while since i looked into it). the diy aspect is a little intimidating, but if i can do it (i did, no fires or electrocutions so far), i am confident that anyone with a pulse and enough attention span to watch a couple videos/read a little bit can do it too. its a rabbit hole to be sure, but its extremely satisfying upon completion, and it allows for customization to suit your space and preferences. the prebuilts are gradually getting cheaper too if you want plug and play. check the led sub forum for reputable prebuilt suppliers, and disregard anything that emits purple light or claims an absurd wattage or hid replacement. i can vouch for hlg and atreum, but i know theres plenty more out there.
cobs are definitely serviceable, but strips will have better light distribution. led is probably your best bet imo, hid will have you needing a/c and more headroom than led would. plants are comfy into the low-mid 80s under led due to the lack/minimal presence of ir in the spectrum, and they can get fairly close to the lights without stressing provided you have good air circulation. higher humidity (60-70%) is preferable under led as well. a diy rig can be had for $1/watt or so, maybe less (been a while since i looked into it). the diy aspect is a little intimidating, but if i can do it (i did, no fires or electrocutions so far), i am confident that anyone with a pulse and enough attention span to watch a couple videos/read a little bit can do it too. its a rabbit hole to be sure, but its extremely satisfying upon completion, and it allows for customization to suit your space and preferences. the prebuilts are gradually getting cheaper too if you want plug and play. check the led sub forum for reputable prebuilt suppliers, and disregard anything that emits purple light or claims an absurd wattage or hid replacement. i can vouch for hlg and atreum, but i know theres plenty more out there.
Thanks and I will check out videos...because the prices I've seen is like around 1000+ for a 600 watt system. Like 600 for 600 watts is doable. I'm sure I can build one and thank you guys! I really appreciate it. Just seems so overwhelming at first because I'm used to the great outdoors. Well if I have more questions when i go to build it...i know where to ask.
The strips are Samsung SI-B8U521560WW and I got them from DigiKey. I'm running them at 48V and the current is limited by the drivers.

I bit the bullet and bought 12 of them. I'm now beginning research on drivers. Thankfully, I've got a boatload of good quality aluminum angle and T-bars and everything to bolt the stuff together so I don't have that additional expense.

I'll test them out as a replacement for my 1kW HPS in a 4x4' tent. If I find it's too much light for the space, I'll repurpose one of them to replace one of my 400W MH veg lamps too.