Hi, I planted white widow 6 weeks ago. It was doing great for about a month. It’s taken a turn though suddenly and the the leaves are going orange/brown and are curling in on the edges. I’m not sure if this is nutrient burn or something else.
PH is about 6.5-7. I haven’t tested the water I’ve been using yet. I *think it had a thrip problem. It started out with white spots all over at first. I’ve sprayed with spinosad soap.
I’m a first time grower, trying to figure out how to proceed.
PH is about 6.5-7. I haven’t tested the water I’ve been using yet. I *think it had a thrip problem. It started out with white spots all over at first. I’ve sprayed with spinosad soap.
I’m a first time grower, trying to figure out how to proceed.