Help Please


Active Member
So last year I did a small grow on my roof thinking it wouldnt go anywhere. To my surprise the plants grew amazing i had 3 and they each reached about 3 and a half feet. But this year instead of planting sum schwag weed i was going to purchase sum buddah white dwarf seeds and plant them. Do i need to worry about helicopters flying over and seeing my plants and me getting in trouble?


Well-Known Member
ye sure they dont get that big man from what ive heard, and if theres helicopters always flying over you its not a good idea to do it... I got a mini greenhose for 25 euro in argos and it would fit 4 very nicly inside ..hope i helped..


G Dubya Bush

Active Member
I'd be worried, here is a cheap way to camouflage grows, you might be able to find a similar product at a good garden center.

Great idea Frmrboi! I used to use these in my market garden to get early or late crops of tomatoes and peppers.. They are also great for keeping a lot of bugs at bay. And Vessey's is a good place for veggie seeds and garden aides.

If you were doing a backyard grow they would work very well at breaking up the plants outline. They may even work a bit like LSTing the plants by the light bending they will cause.


Well-Known Member
If you were doing a backyard grow they would work very well at breaking up the plants outline.
exactly, in the wild they'd be no good because it would look out of place (I thought maybe you could dye them green, but that probably would block too much light).

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
I like my guerrilla grows to look natural. I try to place the plants on the sunny sides of trees and shrubbery, or backdrops like steep banks. Let's call them the edges. This helps break up the plants outline.

I also don't go in for camoflaging my guerilla grows. Look at it this way, a lot of people who are not observant enough to notice a weed that fits in to its habitat will sit up and take notice when they stumble into a chicken wire screen surrounding a weed with its branches tied down with twine.

In town its a different matter. You want visual barriers of some sort, like hidden amid a wall of tomato plants.

A clever grow I saw was in the middle of a fenced in back yard inside of what looked like a decorative "wishing well." You couldn't see the plant until you were very close.