help please

hi people need some advice please,i currently have 2 tnr's growing and 4 chronics all at 4 weeks,problem is i will be moving shortly as weve sold are house (poxy typical) what i would like to know is what would happen if i flower them of early or should i put them outside.Any help would be graet many thanx in advance:evil:


Well-Known Member
Sounds like more of a personal preference on your part. If you start them 12/12 today, and will be in your current place long enough for them to fully mature, then that option seems just fine. Not sure what you mean by putting them outside, tho.


Active Member
yeah that will be fine if u got enough time to flower proply im flowering mine at 5 weeks i put them 12/12 2day
well thanks for that info should have enough time if i start sunday,you say you started yours at 5weeks what are you feeding them,i been looking for the right food and keep coming up with bloombastic have you a personal choice