Help please!!!


Active Member
This is what she looks like right now even 2 hours since I misted her... I allready flushed all old nutrients in the soil (MG), removed 60% of old soil (MG) and added fresh soil (MG) to it...
What should I do, switch soils quickly... Or no more nutrients just plain water (24 hours sitting out before used)...? No misting anymore...?
It isn't MG soil doing that. It looks like you are over fertilizing. Leave them alone for a few days, especially if you just flushed and added new soil.
Wow, those aren't looking very good, not at I agree, looks like overfert. Better listen to him^, and let them go for a few days, and hope for the best. Personally, I think you should consider starting some more seeds, 'cause those things look rough, to say the Even if they pull through, that's a huge amount of stress they've endured, and could cause hermies.
Its just so dry tho... I dont wana lose her!
What about my 2 Clone I took from her do they have potential and if so how do I ensure there survival...?

I have a 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light for my Clones, I have taken 2 Clones from her, each were cut at a 45 degree, cut off excess leaves and lower stems, scrapped the end of the cutting, then used Green Light Rooting Hormone Powder and put into a soil mix medium... They are using the 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light and have a Humidity Dome over them... My Clones are only 3 days old now and should root it 10-15 days so I have been told... I hope they take root and I have great healthy Clones to carry on the legacy of there donor...
3 Days Clone 1 :leaf:
3 Days Clone 2 :leaf:
How many days should I go exactly, I dont wana stress her out anymore than she is......?

And should I just throw out the Miracle Grow and get a different medium...?
Give opinions please, I wana have a healthy and stable grow...