Help please!!

Alright I have some problems I'm new to growing mmj, so I'm a newb I recently came across a friend who had a couple sour og seeds he didn't want so he gave them to me and I decided I'd give it a go at growing y own medicine. I purchased a jiffy peat pod green house germinated the seeds 4 out ofthe 5 sprouted and are doing great I had some trouble sprouting the very first seed but after t sprouted it took off an was doing well also, I had recently taken a trip to lowes an ended up seeing a sort of homemade hydroponics setup growing some great looking tomatoes in a perlite so i figured I'd give that a try and maybe it would be easier than just growing in straight soil and a little cheaper because Im not really able to spend alot right now so I made the unit I have a 400w mh light I got 6 for $50 I made a mix 60/40 perlite and some Organic soil 3 out the 4 look like there doing well my very first seedling has a little yellowing starting from the center of the plant and I don't know what to do I don't know if it's a nitrogen deficiency or if it's the lights being to close some one please help I'm on a phone and it's not lettig me post pics from it I'll have to jump on my laptop and post them later


Well-Known Member
You should stick to something not so much advanced trying using dirt out of the bag you start mix shit you don't what you'll get you got have some green to grow green it ain't cheap I start my seeds in sunshine mix 4 then put'em in ffof and then you have to get nutes and a light ph ppm meters it's adds up really high and prices are like double since I started growing 6 years a ago the cost of electricity is awesome too~


I have grown in both and if you wanted less cost hydro is the wrong choice in my eye. You run through nutes faster you need pumps air stones good tools to test the water and much more. Soil is much more forgiving and has a buffer to it . But in the long once you learn to read the plants and such hydro is the way to go.