Help, please!


I have a question.....I germinated my seeds and then for whatever reason, when they germinated, instead of planting them in small solo cups, I planted them in 7" pots. They start growing great, but not long after start to die. I'm wondering if it's because I am using too big of a medium for them. I'm wondering if I should transplant them into cups now and hope that they grow?? I have 3 planted and have no seeds left, so I'm really needing at least one of these to grow and produce You can see in the first 2 pictures of my Dark Angel18056765_210716212762161_1407301320371163738_n.jpg 18057977_210716229428826_4070633334432299388_n.jpg 18119143_210716249428824_5354832741481413931_n.jpg 18119514_210716289428820_2401912347894073206_n.jpg that the leaves are turning yellow. The other seem to be ok so far, but I don't want to wait until they are dying to try fixing the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
The dirt looks like muddy garden soil with rocks. Do you recycle your soil or is it a fresh batch each time?
I was going to say the same thing as @Dr.Nickriviera but I don't want to repeat , how ever I do agree that is what it looks like to me , I know you already answered him so never mind.
Good luck.
Greetings, looks over watered. I direct plant into finish without issues, but if I'm not careful they will die from water. I may not water medium for 7-10 days after charge and plant and even those pots sit out for a day to leech off water before we plant Into them.
Greetings, looks over watered. I direct plant into finish without issues, but if I'm not careful they will die from water. I may not water medium for 7-10 days after charge and plant and even those pots sit out for a day to leech off water before we plant Into them.

Thank you. I transplanted them into smaller containers with clean soil and barely watered them. Hopefully that will work out. Thanks everyone for the replies.