help pls dont know wat to do plant dieing =[ first grow


Well-Known Member
looks like overwatering have a plant doing the samething an the soil just seems to never dry i havent watered it in like 3 weeks. Dont water it an let the soil dry up a bit an dont water it so much next time. but it is hard to tell it does look a little drooppy an those leaves look like mine.


Weed Modifier
I use Miracle Grow ;)
that just looks like a leaf that has rubbed up against the side of pot when wet? may be slight over-watering going on, just be sure to let soil dry up before next water/or feeding and as long as it don't continue to new growth then it will be ok, the bottom leaves will fall of eventually here and there...long as the rest of plant is healthy she will be fine...:) she does look green! think she might be ready to go in a bigger pot? pot doesn't look to full, might need more room to grow?
yea i was thinking the pot was to small. what size do you recomend? and yea my friend got me the soil from his house and he doesnt no commen sense so he barely filled the pot


Weed Modifier
anything bigger...and its ok to fill pot so that soil is only slightly down from top of it, if you can add some perlite to mix when you upcan her to new pot... good plan.... I believe :clap:


Weed Modifier
how do i change her pot without hurting her
I wait til she needs watering, when soil is fairly dry, water , let sit for 5 min or more to soak up moister, so roots will not break apart with soil.
have new pot ready, with soil at hand already mixed...fill pot about a few inch's or so on bottom so that plants main level will be level with the top of new pot.
you can take a butter knife and carefully slide around edge of pot and soil, gently...all the way around inside edge of pot, which will make it easier to pull her out of pot in a minute...
Then your going to grab pot in one hand and put other hand on top of soil , with main stem in between fingers, and be careful not to break her, and will slowly tip her upside down... once you start she should come out once upside down and carefully separate from old pot and place her in new one...hope I didn't make that sound too complicated ;)


Well-Known Member
When transplanting I do it just like Mr. Lime except~I use the cheaper pots that you can squeeze at the bottom & sides a little to loosen'em up and force'em out the top:clap:


Weed Modifier
When transplanting I do it just like Mr. Lime except~I use the cheaper pots that you can squeeze at the bottom & sides a little to loosen'em up and force'em out the top:clap:
yes...very true! i learned this the hard way, my first one ...was in a 4"clay pot? oh yah ...little did i know how hard it was going to be to get out of that one...dammit!
i agree....i always get the dark green flimsy ones now, Much easier to up can/ transplant come in various sizes and are cheap...+rep