help plz plz

i planted my outdoor plants 2 weeks ago and they are starting to flower does any one know if they are gana stop budding and go to veg again if not so i can start new batch:confused::confused:

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
might stress out before going back to veg. most people wait a few more weeks before going out doors. days are still getting longer

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
It's all about genetics, your plant will definately reveg theres no doubt about that but if it gets stressed to much and the gene is present you may end up with a hermie on your hands. I would start another batch as backup and who wouldn't want more weed?


Well-Known Member
ha my plants from seed are doing the same thing fucking budding and i just started them out side we will see what happens life throws surprises at you sometimes :) :)oh well


Active Member
I have 15 plants from seed that have been vegging under 14 hrs light since 3/10, they are all showing preflowers but not budding per se. They have been outdoors for 2 weeks.. all looks well. Hope yours reveg and mine continue to veg away for another 2-1/2 mos. Good Luck!!
