Help! plz Wierd White spots on leaves of my WW


Active Member
Can anyone tell me are these white spots something i need to worry about? I'm not sure if its a mold or a fungi. It just seems wierd to me, also this is a White Widow plant growing outdoors. If someone could please let me know if the pics show signs of a pest. Thank You, ProjectLysol



Well-Known Member
Is there a sprinkler around? I kind of looks like mineral deposits after hard water dries. Like have you ever had your car sprayed by a sprinkler at work or somewhere and when the water dries it looks like white spots.


Active Member
Klidge, yes there is a sprinkler in the yard but it does not hit that plant at all. I was thinking that it was a mineral deposit, i dont or i try not to get any water on the leaves. I have noticed all my plants seem to sweat at night and i figured the white spots were caused when the "sweat" dries? I am trying to be sure i have no problem, the plants all seem to get the spots but no where near as bad as this 1 WW.

dewey green

Active Member
i had the same problem ... the hard water thing makes sense because i was using really hard tap water and uping the ph from 6 to 7. i know the waters rusty cause everything in my house has turned orange - but i wanted to see anyways (first grow). i've gone back to buying distilled water - an expense i didn't want to have... i waited one week no change but they didnt get worse
I'm having the same problem but I read on another quote that it was a mineral deficiency and to add 1/4 of epson salt per gallon to your watering solution.