Help re-veg?

So my buddy gave me 8 clones (3 black domino, 3 g13, and 2 blue dream) he didnt have space for them. My problem is I didnt have a seperate grow room for veg, they sat with my other plants in flowering room for about a week. I made a veg room, the clones have been in there about a week and a half and still seem to be budding under 24 hours of light. How long untill they re-veg?


Active Member
it could take 2 weeks or a month but- if they got halfway into flowering it takes longer. they have to get enough light and water and/or fish emulsion or grow fertilizers. even with the right setup the roots might be the first part to grow. nothing will happen at first but you will see new growth , before or after you transplant (if you do it right). I prefer to make clones in veg but had to reveg one to keep the strain going. basically treat it like a rooted clone but if it really got ripe it would die instead of growing back .


Well-Known Member
Feed a lite dose of N you should start to see new growth in 2-3 weeks. Like cloning patience is key!