Help - Really not sure what to do now.


I have 3 plants, 2 sativa, 1 indica. These are indoors plants that started out as an experiment - now are 3 months old, only 9-10 hours of natural sunlight a day (5-6 direct light at least). Had no choice on that - no 24/24 or 12/12 - no artificial lights. They are healthy and beautiful, to my surprise. The indica is just over 18 in. (started later) and the sativa's are just under 3 feet. They are bushy as I pinched them off when they were young. I believe they are all female - I think I'm seeing the white hairs.
My biggest question is because of the natural sunlight - what do I do to induce flowering? Do I reduce the light or just wait and hope ;)? I fertilize and give them lots of fresh air circulation, and love. I'm not sure if I will get bud - but this next step is important. I'm not sure about the light situation - but the plants look promising :joint:.

Thanx for any help.


Active Member
Well you basically have to convince them winter is coming by making it dark earlier. I don't really know how you're going to accomplish this outdoors though. As you apparently already know the 12/12 cycle is what we use on indoor plants to induce flowering, the real problem for you is it has to be complete darkness, and trying to cover them in anyway is just going to cut off air supply, so I'm kind of at a loss here, you've put mother nature in charge by sticking them outdoors.


Active Member
if you seriously want to flower your plants, a great way is to through a black garbage bag over them. open the bag, and then your basically putting the plant in the bag but upside down. DO LIFT YOUR PLANT TO DO THIS! just throw it on top. you must be able to be with them at least twice a day, once in the morning, and once at night. for example, 9:00am and then again at 9:00pm. but the time should be adjusted so the bag is off only when the plants get the most direct light. hopefully this helps and yes if your day period is longer than 12 hours, youll have to do this for the entire flowering cycle. good luck.


Sorry, they are inside plants ;). I didn't know what I was doing when it all started - I didn't even think they would grow. Now I have these great plants and I want them to I hope I haven't messed it up by not having them on a different light cycle. They are really nice. I just don't know if I'm supposed to cut back the light - and since they are on 10/14 (about) - what would be my next step? They are just over 3 months.

Thanx again.


Active Member
and like MYSTIC said, air is important. just make sure the bag is not wrapped tight around the bottom, the mouth of the bag should be as wide as the widest part of your plant. and your plant will be fine, as it does most of its breathing when in sunlight, FYI thats what photosynthesis is.