Well-Known Member
plant problem. ok im getting some kind of rust on my plant leaves. the problem is only at the tops of the plant. the problem started soon as i gave her, her first doze of pk 13/14 at 0.5ml per Liter. im using canna coco as soil, well this is how my mix was. 3.0ml of coco A&B, 2ml rhizotonic, 1ml cannazym and 0.5ml pk13/14 and 3 days later i seen all the rust on the leaves. at my next doze i wanted to put the pk at 1ml and the a and b at 2.5ml. but im not 100% its the pk that coused this problem but thats the only thing i did new and every thing was fine before that, here is a pic of the rust looking stuff on the leaves and bare in mind the problem is only at the tops of the plant, the bottem is fine its just started at the top, and please help as my watering is tomorow and i dont know if i should stop the pk13/13 or if there is any thing els im doing wrong.
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