Help seed not popping off pics included


Active Member
Hi was just wondering if i could get some advice from the expert, i seem to have a small problem i have three plants growing 1 is fine but the other 2 are not going so well.

plant 1 : you can see the fan leaves not opening up becuase it looks like some sort of shell from the seed is still left on it and preventing it to open up.

plant 2 : the shell has not popped of the top and its been 3 days now.

what should i do ? i really hope i don't have to throw them away.:(

any help would be fantastic.




Active Member
i took a saftey pin opened it up and pryed the old seed off. happened to 3 of my 6 plants. only thing i noticed was some deformed leaves at first but that went away in about 4 days. maybe 6 days.
good luck


Well-Known Member
Yup, this happened to me to and it'll work itself out -- wait until it's ready to come off though, don't force it. When you can pull it off with barely any effort, then it's ready to go.


Active Member
i pulled it of the one with the seed i ripped a little bit of the leave but o well it will grow back, thanks for the help