help! seedling popped out and it has discoloration! this bad?! pic included.


Active Member
my seedling popped out of the soil today and it has a brown spot on the leaf!! is this bad?! should i water it more??


Well-Known Member
Dont water it more luls, its a baby and its cotyledone leaves are brown on the outside and itll develop full green leaves soon enough.


Active Member
whew! thanks for the reply lol i was really worried! i didnt want to have a problem right off the bat lol


Well-Known Member
it'll be fine, its the proccess of photosynthesis that starts them turnign green. its weird thoguh when my seeds came out the cotyldledone leaves were white, also all of them surfaced with there shells still on so i gently removed them. they turned green and started standing up over the next coupel hours, was pretty neat to watch every coupel horus id come back and check and theyd be standing up a little straighter then last time. then i saw there 2 little baby leaves start to pop out. was really cool!


Active Member
gotcha gotcha! NO MORE WATERING xD hahaha thanks guys! i misted it once.. hopefully it will be alright...


Active Member
it'll be fine, its the proccess of photosynthesis that starts them turnign green. its weird thoguh when my seeds came out the cotyldledone leaves were white, also all of them surfaced with there shells still on so i gently removed them. they turned green and started standing up over the next coupel hours, was pretty neat to watch every coupel horus id come back and check and theyd be standing up a little straighter then last time. then i saw there 2 little baby leaves start to pop out. was really cool!
haha yeah! it is pretty cool! ive been watching mine also, that little girl is a trooper..I tell ya! she's been through a lot xD im just happy to see her sprout!


Well-Known Member
Trust me the real problems havent even occured yet, seedlings are easy to start up but try caring for a bigger plant with little knowledge, theres tons of people with insane amounts of knowledge and yet they can fuck something up also, I never say im growing marijuana but instead im attempting to grow marijuana.


Active Member
haha well that makes sense! attempting! this deff is a lot harder then i thought it was going to be. At first i thought i was just going to stick a seed in the ground and watch it grow.. Its quite the opposite lol muchhh more work then that!


Well-Known Member
haha yeah! it is pretty cool! ive been watching mine also, that little girl is a trooper..I tell ya! she's been through a lot xD im just happy to see her sprout!
i hear yah man, i "knew" mine were going to sprout but its so hard to shake the feelign that they wont


Well-Known Member
haha it deff is hard! glad someone knows how I feel! i had a big sigh of relief when it sprouted lol
for sure! i sunk a lot of money and spent a lot of time researching, if they didnt sprout i woulda cried lol
heres a couple shots of mysetup and my little girls, the 2 biggest ones are polar express autos, there a few days old, and the 2 new sprouts are feminized white widows, the 5th pot off to the side is some moss parsley i planted for my wife today, i figure if i can grow pot for her arthritis i can grow parsley for our kitchen lol!


Active Member
for sure! i sunk a lot of money and spent a lot of time researching, if they didnt sprout i woulda cried lol
heres a couple shots of mysetup and my little girls, the 2 biggest ones are polar express autos, there a few days old, and the 2 new sprouts are feminized white widows, the 5th pot off to the side is some moss parsley i planted for my wife today, i figure if i can grow pot for her arthritis i can grow parsley for our kitchen lol!
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haha nice! looks good! i wish i could grow more..but unfortunetly my budget wont allow it :/ i heard white widow rocks! haha well thats good! i wouldnt even know where to start with growing parsley lol or even getting a seed for that matter xD i think im going to stick with marijuana for now, thats all i can handle atm hahaha


Well-Known Member
haha nice! looks good! i wish i could grow more..but unfortunetly my budget wont allow it :/ i heard white widow rocks! haha well thats good! i wouldnt even know where to start with growing parsley lol or even getting a seed for that matter xD i think im going to stick with marijuana for now, thats all i can handle atm hahaha
she got the parsley seeds at the dollar store :) and i had a bunch of left over soil so i figured what the hell stick em in the tent theres room lol. pretty much just plant and forget as far as im concerned, takes about 2 years to grow before you can use it, after it sprouts it will be a window plant


New Member
she got the parsley seeds at the dollar store :) and i had a bunch of left over soil so i figured what the hell stick em in the tent theres room lol. pretty much just plant and forget as far as im concerned, takes about 2 years to grow before you can use it, after it sprouts it will be a window plant
see what happens when you water right? parsley, basil tomato etc. takes a lot longer to sprout vs cannabis