Help Seedling Sprout through soil


Well-Known Member
I wanna know what exactly you do after you germinate your seeds and place them in soil....Im realy getting fed up with this bullshit, ive tried it already with many seeds and they just will not pop through the soil, i dont know what the hell im doing wrong...

Currently what im doing:

18/6 Lighting CFL 23watt for one seedling...
Mist the top of the soil every 6 hours when it dries out...
Placing the seed 1/6th of an inch in the soil and covering it up...

and For some reason my seedlings are not sprouting though the soil....and Yes im germinating them right...

So wuts the deal???
What kind of soil are you using ? Is there a chance the water is not making it to the root ? Maybe every 6 hours is to much water, with the right soil you should not need to spray them so often.
Not sure of the soil but it gets VERY VERY dryed out quick....

I had soil issues when sprouting and only managed 4 out of 10 seeds. My problem was not only heat but a bad mix of soil. If your soil is drying out quick IMO that is your problem. I am under the impression at this stage light is the least of your worries. Try some better soil and keep the lights farther away would be my suggestion.

How are you germinating ? You could also try placing the seed a little deeper in the soil to ensure no light is hitting it.
Im germinating by soaking the seed in a water bottle and yeah i believe the soil may be the problem...Would covering my pot with a plastic bag to keep moisture work??
I wouldnt recomend covering the dirt because if it gets to wet you could get mold or fungus. Use different soil and maybe try germinating in a paper towel.
Yea im going to have to purchase some new soil, is there anything that you recommend that keeps moisture and is great for growing??