HELP!! Seedling stretch outta control OG#18


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU,

Growing some Reserva Privada OG #18 :mrgreen: germinated 6 FEM seeds, 4 spouted within a day, 1 didn't sprout, and I somehow lost 1, literally.

Ive grown before in soil and had great results this time decided to go hydro.
Anyway this is my first hydro grow and I planted the seedlings in rockwool so I could later transplant to WaterFarm units. The only problem is the healthiest one is stretching like crazy.

My question is should I worry about this and is there anything I could do to fix the problem?

ALL advice is greatly appreciated as always.
Thanks bigbudbongsmilie



Active Member
wow... i dunno how it would work wit hydro, but i kno in soil you can bury the stem a bit n it will eventually sprout more roots. might wanna ask bout tat in the hydro section. n move the light closer


New Member
, you can split another rock wool cube and put it around the stem on top of the other rock wool cube and put it at the bottom of the drain lid put your hydroton around it and it will grow new roots just like in soi