HELP!!! Seedlings with curled & Crispy Leaves. PHOTOS

HELP!!! My seedlings have curled & Crispy Leaves.

Nute Burn? Or Over/underwatering?

My moisture tester says the soil is at about 2.0...some of them look ok, others are crispy like this one. What is wrong???

These are ipod pix will post better ones later after my camera battery charges.



Well-Known Member
Those are burnt to shit.

Chalk it up to a learning experience, start new seeds, and NO NUTES for at least the first 3 weeks.

Or, repeat what you've done till it finally sinks in that nutes will burn young seedlings.



Active Member
They looked stretched and burned. I would just start this one over. If done right you can surpass that little lady in a matter of weeks, rather than trying to pull this one out of a tail spin. If you havent used any additional nutes with your waterings then your soil is a hot mix and has ferts in it that are too strong. I use FoxFarm soils which are an organic hot mix and before I transplant my seedlings from towel to cup, I run a fair amount of water through the soil to leech out some of the nutes. Check the ph of the water going in to.

And like Wetdog said, no nutes for the first few weeks, then add them in slowly, 1/4, 1/2, full strength.

Also keep them closer to the light source to prevent the stretching.