Help soil seems to be growing faster than Hydro ( dwc)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1807335View attachment 1807334View attachment 1807333ok View attachment 180733210 days after seed.....(one plant has yellow leaves idk y)

ok so i have a little problem it seems my hydro is growing slower than my 2 soil plants...that are in MG with nutes already in the soil. Im using a dwc setup with an 8 outlet hydrofarm air pump and my res stays around 71 farenheight i though it was like 65 but i just bought a thermometer and its staying at 71 PH STAYS CONSTANTLY AT 5.6-5.9..... I use AN Grow Micro Bloom...heres my schedule that im using the guy at HTG SUPPLY provided me...

Grow....3 ml/gallon
Micro....3 ml/gallon
Bloom... .7 ml/gal

so i have a 45 gallon resovoir so if i followed this i would be using 135 ml of grow and micro in the res andl like 40 ml of bloom. i assumed this was way too much?
So i have in the res as of now 15 ml of GROW AND MICRO....and about 5 ml of BLOOM....idk if this is enough they havent seemed to react to it yet 24 hours later....
I REALLY WANNA UNDERSTAND WHY MY HYDRO IS GROWING SLOWER THAN THE ONES IN SOIL????????????? COULD IT BE THE SOIL ALREADY HAS NUTES AND THE HYDRO DOESNT....AND IM NOT ADDING ENOUGH NUTES? I HAVE NETPOTS 1-2 ABOVE BUBBLING WATER LEVEL....PLZ CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME INTEL OR MAYBE EVEN A GUESS AS TO WHY IT AINT GROWING AS FAST AS SOIL? please let me know and thanks so much ahead of time....oh and like i said ph is good and i use tap water but let it sit for 24 hours to let chlorine evaporate...let me know if you know anything i know its alot of info to take in ive just had a bunch of shit to ask and show you guys and i know someone on here will be able to explain maybe why im having these issues of hydro growing slow n such....


Well-Known Member
ok so i have a few questions for you. how are you testing ph? what is your ppm, tds, ec level at? sounds like allot of nutes for some first week seedlings! have the roots dropped into the res yet?

sounds like your water temp is a bit high, i would try to get it to a solid 65 in dwc. colder water provides higher D/O levels which is the foundation of a DWC system (high dissolved oxygen levels in H20). now you shouldnt be feeding the plants anything if there is no roots in the res, they have no roots to take up the nutes so its wasting and prably overloading the few roots it has. when i crack seeds and put them in a system i dont consider them vegging until roots have established (usually a week or less) then once they have there will be explosive growth and will far surpass your dirt plants (if done correctly).


Hi Kenny, what do your roots look like in the DWC? What are your current PPM's? Is there any slime/smell inside your res? This info will be helpful to whomever tries to help.


Well-Known Member
Ya something is wrong for sure. This might be an unpopular thing to say but dirt CAN NOT hold a candle to hydro in regards to growth rate. Drgreentm has sound advice. We need your PH and PPM


Well-Known Member
Ppm have. To know what it is, everyday it changes, plus I know that micro, and bloom ur talking about, I think ur plant might b missing out on some key nutes

Edit: just read ur post again, u said u have both the "grow" and the "bloom" nute mixed together? That's one of the problems right there. U need the grow, in the 18/6 light cycle, and the bloom in the 12/12 cycle


Well-Known Member
I'm using a ph Meter from htg supply it was 50$ and oh I figured 1/10 strenth nutes wouldn't hurt...I haven't really been watering from the top consistently someone just told me today I need to water from top until roots really develop below and maybe that's why they ain't been growing fast the soil has been in dry hydroton...they've been n the dwc system for just over a week now. Hydroton dries up fast it seems so I guess I should have been pouring water through the hydroton every few hours for the First week? Let me know if u believe this may have been the problem. Also I don't have ppm Meter yet but I put 4mm Mylar over res and using 2L jugs ice the temp stay at around 64 it reads and when it melted it went to 70 when I checked so it fluctuates 64-70 pretty much


Well-Known Member
Are those the 4" or 6" net pots?

How are you keeping (what I assume to be) the rockwool underneath the pellets moist? Do you have any kind of active feed system driven by a pump or are your hydroton filled net pots just sitting there?

You have to maintain a moist but not drenched environment for the rockwool cube nestled in the clay pellets. The few times I've started from seed, I wait until the tap root has made its way out the bottom of a small rockwool cube, plant and start spraying my pots at timed intervals with 100ppm - 300ppm strength nutrient solution. They grow so fast that soil would look silly if I decided to risk putting a dirty pot in my clean grow area for some reason.

Like some others say, far better to conentrate on ppm levels than trying to figure out correct dosage by ml guidelines on the bottle.


Well-Known Member
Ok I have them in rapid rooters underneath the hydroton....I figured that the bubbles would keep medium and rapid rooter moist enough for roots to pop through so I guess I haven't been doing right this morning I took a cup full of water from reservoir and watered all plants from top and now I just got home and there is like 20 roots popping out !! Haha I guess that was it I hope....and like I said I bought a 50$ ph meter from htg but their ppm meter was like 275$!!

D you know where I could get a cheap ppm meter fpr under 100?


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to give free promotion to my hydro shop, but this how much they charge for this unit:


In my opinion, rapid rooters are crap. They are easier to successfully clone in, but more difficult to transplant. Next time use ph balanced rockwool. I read that these rapid rooters are pre-soaked with GH nutes? That's never a good idea. And so a lot of these shops have their clones in rapid rooters, just sitting in those nute soaked sponges. I've had slow nute aborption and some ph issues when planting clones that the shop had in rapid rooters. When I go clone shopping, I always avoid those little brown sponges.


Well-Known Member
At my hydro shop they use the foam collar things for cloning in a 5 gallin bucket dwc....and ya but I heard u have to keep rock wool wet and I don't have a drip system


Well-Known Member
At my hydro shop they use the foam collar things for cloning in a 5 gallin bucket dwc....and ya but I heard u have to keep rock wool wet and I don't have a drip system
A drip system can easily be made out of a cheap pump, line hub, and aquarium tubing. You have to keep any medium wet, whether rockwool or rapid rooter. Those brown sponges are the easy way out for people trying to root and sell as many clones as possible to make a profit... but not so good for the people actually trying to grow those clones.


Well-Known Member
No the soil seems faster than hydroton is what I said. I am using rapid roots and what pump would u recommend for a drip system because the ones I have are like 800 gph 500 gph n a couple more but I need like a small one that doesn't heat up


Well-Known Member
No the soil seems faster than hydroton is what I said. I am using rapid roots and what pump would u recommend for a drip system because the ones I have are like 800 gph 500 gph n a couple more but I need like a small one that doesn't heat up
I know what u said, but it sounds like u messed the hydro up, ur suppose to have it in a rockwool cube or. Something else, not soil, there is no dirt at all in hydro


Well-Known Member
Huh? No I have 7 plants total .....5 are in the dwc system ....and 2 are in soil inn pots .....I didn't want to do this but when I germed i used 7 seeds and all germed so I just figured I'd grow 2 in soil ....ya see now ha?


Well-Known Member

The dangers of forum surfing while baked I would suspect?

Yeah, he's got a couple in le dirt going side by side with his hydro tub. That's why you gotta make those pix visible in your posts, Kenny. I was almost too lazy to click on your picture link to see what you were talking about. Too much effort to click on a link? Can you believe that? See what the internet is doing to us? Ha ha.

And Kenny, you should be aware that once those roots get going in your net pots, you will see the hydro plants overtake the soil pots. I guarantee that. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of time for the roots to gather themselves up in the net pots. Once they get it going, though, you can forget about it... growth city.

Just be patient and watch your levels. Those are pretty big net pots, so the roots have quite a bit of establishing to do in the hydroton within. Once the roots start poking out of the net pots, it will be a different game altogether.


And make sure you're keeping the rockwool (or whatever) core wet, but not too wet. If you don't have a dripper yet, periodically hand water as you've been doing, but not too much! Once the roots poke out of the net pot and make contact with the solution, you can stop doing this.


Well-Known Member
Ya now one day of top watering and can already see massive improvement of root growth on bottom... And to vaped up: I'm using the schedule the htg supply employee provided me for grow micro bloom
Vegging: 3 ml a gallon for micro n grow, and .7 ml a gal for bloom ...for first week of veg and slowly increase it weekly
Then flowering is something like that but more bloom I forget the schedule it's at home I'm at college in psyc class


Well-Known Member
And on the second week of flowering I got big bud that I start feeding it and also bought an extra thing called bud candy in which he told me to start also the 2nd week whenever I start using big bud