HELP spotting on multiple plants closet led


i am using advance nutra sensei grow A / B with cal mag grow , barely put any in the smaller once, growin in an wero garden base, using led to veg, dont have a ph meter, but sensei are ph smart, and tds is 120 including 60 ppm is from my RO water, i am growing in a closet, any ideas, am thankful, i dont want my crop to die, is it heat ? temp ranges between 65 to 80 and humidity is like 50 - 60. i have the blackstar LED for veg HO, it like .5 meters from tip of plant, i also have one plant with stunted growth, all the roots are good, let me know if you need pics, i am growing in my closet, i used to shut the door, could it be mold, i was running a humidifer earlier but stopped , running with door shut

